
wheezy adj.(-ier; -iest) 呼哧呼哧響的,喘息的...


“ not so well , “ said slughorn at once . “ weak chest . wheezy . rheumatism too . can ' t move like i used to . well , that ' s to be expected . old age . fatigue . “不太好, ”斯拉格霍恩立刻說道, “透不過氣來。哮喘,還有風濕,腿腳不像以前那么靈便了。唉,這也是意料中的。人老了,不中用了。 ”

A card unfurnished apartments reappeared on the windowsash of number 7 eccles street . he checked his tale a moment but broke out in a wheezy laugh 一張寫有“房間出租,自備家具”字樣的牌子,又出現在埃克爾斯街七號的窗框上113 。

I pull the wheezy bell of their shuttered cottage : and wait 我拉了拉他們那座關上百葉窗的茅屋上氣不接下氣的門鈴,等著。

His breathing is harsh and wheezy 他呼吸時

My breathing is harsh and wheezy 我喘氣時呼哧呼哧直響。

His breathing is harsh and wheezy 他呼吸聲很重,還呼哧呼哧的。

His breathing is harsh and wheezy 他呼吸時,有氣喘似的呼哧呼哧作響。

He 's a bit wheezy . 他喉嚨里呼嚕呼嚕地響。

My cold 's a lot better but i am still a bit wheezy . 我的感冒好多了,就是呼吸時還有點聲音。