
weave vt.1.織;編制;織結;編攏;編進。2.〔比喻〕構成,...


Aspect weaving can happen at the following times 方面的編織可以在以下時間發生:

The driver was weaving his way through the traffic 司機在車輛和人流中曲折前進。

Woven glass fabric as inlay bituminous sheeting 作瀝青路襯底的機織玻璃纖維織物

His coat was woven from wool of many colors 他的上衣是由多種顏色的絨線織成的。

Shantou hemei woolly craft weave & make co . , ltd 汕頭市和美毛衣工藝織造有限公司

Plastic woven fabric protecting top - plane in coal mine 煤礦井下假頂用塑料編織布

Textile machinery - working processes at weaving machines 紡織機械.織布機的工序

China was the first country in the world to cultivate silkworms and develop silk weaving. more than 3,000 years ago , sericulture and silk weaving were already significantly developed . 中國是世界上最早發明養蠶和絲織的國家;早在3000多年以前,蠶桑、絲織已相當發達。

They make bunches of flowers, from flakes and wires of silver, that counterfeit the delicate creations the frost weaves upon a window pane . 他們拿銀箔和銀絲做成一束束花,活象霜花在玻璃窗上凝成的美妙花紋。

However, modified plain weaves, such as the oxford and basket, can provide greater yarn mobility than do taffeta weaves . 改進的平紋紡織,諸如牛津襯衫布和方塊紡織都比塔夫塔紡織中紗線容易移動。

The hate and fear which we have inspired in him, is woven by our civilization into the very structure of his consciousness . 我們灌輸到他內心里的仇恨和恐懼已經被我們的文明織進了他的意識結構。

Our main purpose in this chapter is to conceptually weave some of the ideas of quantum mechanics into the fabric of optics . 這一章的主要目標,是在概念上把量子力學的一些概念引入到光學中來。

Cottage weaving in india is discouraged by the heavy costs of inventories in thousands of scattered locations . 印度的家庭編織業,由于分散在成千上萬個地點,存貨成本高,因而發展受到妨礙。

Every society weaves a fabric of institutionslaws, organizations, and customsthat guide its economic behavior . 每一個社會都會構成一個指導經濟行為的制度結構法律,組織和風俗。

The realities of the twentieth century which had shocked their fathers now wove the fabric of their own lives . 使他們父輩震動的二十世紀的現實,如今成了他們自己生活中的組成部分。

Scientific jurisprudence weaves all these various forms of law into a consistent and systematic whole . 科學的法理學把所有不同的法律形式編織成一個一致的,系統的整體。

It was a melancholy little drama, woven from bits and scraps of gossip and neighborhood legend . 這是一出由街談巷議和左鄰右舍的傳說一點點拼湊而成的有悲傷情調的短劇。

In weave patterns such as sateens or wrap-faced twills, one set of yarns predominates on the fabric surface . 例如緯緞或經面斜紋組織,其中有一組紗線浮現在織物表面。

Richard nixon's great accomplishments are woven like a golden thread through the fabric of the past 37 years . 尼克松的偉大就象一根金線貫穿在過去三十七年的歷史中。