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water outlet 【機械工程】出水口。

water ouzel

Following this , an extensive public sewer connection programme in the area was carried out . for a while , rocky bay was the sole exception to the trend described above , partly due to a large area of unsewered village houses close by . however , after drainage improvements diverted waste water outlets further away from the beach , it finally achieved wqo compliance in 1999 and since then has consistently met the wqo threshold 盡管南區泳灘的水質在1990年代后期已普遍改善,但石澳后灘的水質仍然欠佳,主要是因為附近還有許多村屋尚未接駁到公共污水系統,其后政府進行了排水系統改善工程將污水排放口改道至遠離泳灘的地方,石澳后灘終于在1999年達到水質指標,自此更一直沒有出現超出指標的情況。

The results of experiment shows : l / d10 , rate of filtration , filtration - supporting agents have bigger influence to filterability . the optimal combination of certain parameter of l / d10 , rate of filtration , filtration - supporting agents can improve filterability obviously , get better quality of water outlet , extend the filter cycle , improve periodic quantity of water produce 試驗結果表明: l d _ ( 10 ) 、助濾劑、濾速這3個因素對過濾性能有較大的影響;一定參數的l d _ ( 10 ) 、助濾劑、濾速的優化組合能明顯改善過濾性能,取得較好的出水水質,延長過濾周期,提高周期產水量。

Standard features include : 3 ” waste outlet valve , left side service , 2 ” fresh water outlet valve , sight glasses , hose bracket , strap tie - down brackets , bumper hitch , rear mud - flaps , wand holster , unique baffle design , keyed locking cabinets 標準系統包括: 3 “大小排污口閥,左邊服務系統, 2 “大小清水閥、視鏡、軟管支架、捷牽制下拉支架、防撞緩沖器、后方泥瓣、棒皮套、獨特設計擋板、可鎖壁柜。

A building plumbing system includes two components , the piping that brings potable water into the building and distributes it to all fixtures and water outlets and the piping that collects the water after use and drains it to a point of safe disposal 大廈配管系統包括二個組分,帶領飲用水進入大廈的管道系統并且分布它對所有裝置和水出口和收集水使用后和排泄它對點安全處置的管道系統。

Connection between handrail and platform beam shall be welding . it shall be 8mm weld around the base plate of past on side . there shall be gap for water outlet 立柱與扶手管、橫桿間采用銷釘固定或焊接固定的方式,具體的連接方式見后面的的詳細要求。

And safe water outlets , including boreholes and protected natural springs , can be constructed by the thousands within a year 而安全的水源,包括鉆井與受保護的自然泉水,在一年內便可以挖掘數千個。

This causes increased cycling of the heater elements and can result in increased water temperatures at the hot water outlet 這將增加加熱元件的周期性工作頻率,并可能導致熱水出水口處水溫升高。

Never try to install any on off control valve at my water outlet or shower head 早前還想在我的出水位和花灑頭加裝開關水掣呢!

Thermometer for fresh water outlet 淡水出口溫度計