
wassail n.〔古語〕宴會,歡宴;宴會的祝酒。vi.干杯;祝酒;歡...


This meanwhile this good sister stood by the door and begged them at the reverence of jesu our alther liege lord to leave their wassailing for there was above one quick with child a gentle dame , whose time hied fast 此刻,善良之護士佇立門口,懇請眾人出于對我等祭壇主耶穌之敬畏,中止歡宴,因樓上一位有身孕之貴婦即將分娩。

It was a mad orgy of imagination , wassailing in the skull of a dying man who half sobbed under his breath and was quick with the wild flutter of fading heart - beats 那是想像力的瘋狂的盛筵,在一個垂死的人的頭腦里祝酒,垂死者氣息奄奄地哭泣著,衰微不去的心臟卻仍然狂跳。

To wassail specifically refers to going house to house , singing carols in order to receive food and drink , or possibly money to be donated to charity 開懷暢飲就是挨家挨戶地串門,并高唱頌歌以獲酒肉,甚至可能從慈善機構獲得慷慨資助。

Though traditional caroling is not done as frequently some people still go wassailing in the weeks leading up to december 25 盡管傳唱傳統圣誕頌歌并不多,但人們仍舊在臘月廿五塊來到的一周里開懷暢飲。

Wassailing is an old - fashioned term for caroling that originated in the 1700 ' 開懷暢飲是源于十六世紀的頌歌古語。