
vulcan n.1.【羅馬神話】火與鍛冶之神。2.【天文學】祝融星。...


Petted by diana , who wanted to make a final attack upon his feelings before delivering him up to vulcan , wheedled by venus , whom the presence of her rival excited , he gave himself up to these tender delights with the beatified expression of a man in clover 戰神一方面受到月神的愛撫,月神在把他送交給火神之前,還想作最后一次努力,把他爭取過來另一方面,他又受到愛神的愛撫,因為情敵當前,愛神更加精神抖擻。戰神沉醉在這些脈脈溫情之中,露出一副因受到百般照顧而怡然自得的神態。

As detailed in the national association of testing authorities ( nata ) , australia registration certificate number 2201 dated 24 june 1987 , registration certificate number 1490 dated 3 december 1980 and the corresponding schedule of nata approval tests . electric storage water heaters under nata accreditation and with brand names vulcan , everhot and aquahot 詳細資料載于澳洲國家測試局于1987年6月24日所發,編號為2201的澳洲注冊證明書、 1980年12月3日所發,編號為1490的注冊證明書,以及澳洲國家測試局認可測試的相關附表。

Vulcan s part was played by fontan , a comic actor of talent , at once vulgar and original , and he had a role of the wildest whimsicality and was got up as a village blacksmith , fiery red wig , bare arms tattooed with arrow - pierced hearts and all the rest of it 火神這個角色是由豐唐扮演的,他是一個丑角,擅長演粗俗下流的角色,并富有獨創性。他有極豐富的想象力,走路時使勁扭動著腰部,他裝扮成鄉村鐵匠的模樣,頭上戴著火紅的假發,胳膊裸露著,上面刺著紋身:若干被箭刺穿的紅心。

Vulcan , as an elegant young man clad , down to his gloves , entirely in yellow and with an eyeglass stuck in his eye , was forever running after venus , who at last made her appearance as a fishwife , a kerchief on her head and her bosom , covered with big gold trinkets , 火神裝扮成漂亮小伙子,穿一身黃色衣服,連手套也是黃色,一只眼里夾著單片眼鏡,總是在追求愛神。愛神終于打扮成女魚販子上場,頭上披著一塊頭巾,胸部隆起,上面掛滿了大塊金飾。

Indeed , he obtained an oblique back view of the scenery and of the wings which had been strengthened , as it were , by a thick layer of old posters . then he caught sight of a corner of the stage , of the etna cave hollowed out in a silver mine and of vulcan s forge in the background 他看見的是布景的背面和側面,布景架的后面糊著厚厚一層舊海報,在舞臺的一個角落里,埃特納火山的一個巖洞陷入在一座銀礦里,舞臺的最后邊有火神的煉鐵爐。

Otherwise , bfasp has established good economic and trade links with some international famous companies , such as deurik / copes - vulcan co . , adams co . , sipos co , yokogawa co . , etc . , and has been the agent of them with perfect trade and service net 此外,我們還與美國deurik - copes / vulcan公司、德國adams公司sipos公司、日本橫河公司等許多世界知名公司建立了良好的合作伙伴關系、并成為這些公司的代理公司、建立了完善的貿易的服務網絡。

Presence of vulcan xc - 72 active carbon powder in the pt / moox / gc composite electrode by electrochemical codeposition made peak potential of methanol oxidation a further negative shift of about 50mv and a further promotion of co - tolerant performance for methanol oxidation 催化劑中vulcanxc - 72活性碳粉的引入即共沉積制備的pt moo _ x c gc電極催化劑甲醇氧化峰電位又進一步負移50mv左右,抗co中毒催化性能又進一步提高。

Vulcan , indeed , was giving her the cue , but rose stood rooted to the ground , marveling at sight of her husband and her lover as they lay wallowing at her feet , strangling one another , kicking , tearing their hair out and whitening their coats with dust 火神已經念了臺詞,下邊就應由她接下去。但是,羅絲卻愣在那兒,看著丈夫和情人在她的腳邊滾打,互相勒脖子,用腳踢,揪頭發,禮服上滿是灰塵。

The clappers applauded the scenery , which represented a grotto on mount etna , hollowed out in a silver mine and with sides glittering like new money . in the background vulcan s forge glowed like a setting star 布景是埃特納火山的一個山洞,山洞開鑿在一個銀礦里,山洞的兩側猶如新鑄的銀幣閃閃發光,在山洞的盡頭,火神的鍛爐發出落日般的光芒。

Better have me as a model at the same time , said mellors . better do us in a group , vulcan and venus under the net of art . i used to be a blacksmith , before i was a game - keeper “最好是同時把我當作你的模特兒, ”梅樂士說, “最好是把我們畫在一起:把維娜絲和伏爾甘放在藝術的網下,我在做守獵人以前,是一個鐵匠呢。 ”

At the back of the stage , with a view to producing the bright rays thrown by vulcan s glowing forge , a stand had been fixed by a limelight man , who was now lighting various burners under red glasses 為了使火神的熾熱的煉鐵爐發出火光,一個照明工人安置了一個燈具撐架,他點燃了撐架上的罩著紅玻璃的燈頭。

A brain decoder that worked on all brains still might not allow for telepathy on the order of a vulcan mind meld in the star trek series , which enabled universal translation 一個可用在所有大腦的大腦解碼器,還是無法做到科幻影集星艦奇航中瓦肯人心靈融合那樣的精神感應,可以轉譯所有語言。

Diana , surprising venus in the act of making an assignation with mars , made haste to indicate hour and place to vulcan , who cried , “ i ve hit on a plan ! 月神突然撞見愛神正在與戰神幽會,她趕緊去把他倆約會的地點和時間告訴火神,火神嚷道: “我自有辦法。 ”

The gods left olympus to honor the occasion with their presence , and vulcan presented the bride with a necklace of surpassing brilliancy , his own workmanship 奧林波斯山上的眾神都來慶賀他們的婚禮。伏爾甘送給了新娘一串他親手制作的項鏈,精美絕倫。

And long before then the ancient greeks claimed their god vulcan had a device that could make long , spaghetti - like , strings of dough 而更早以前,古希臘人就宣稱他們的火神有一個機器可以制造長長的、像意大利面的細線狀面食。

In answer to vulcan s triumphant summons all the olympians defiled before the lovers with ohs and ahs of stupefaction and gaiety 聽到火神的勝利的呼喚,奧林匹斯山眾神列隊在一對情人面前走過,一邊發出“啊!

Your eyes dwell on a vulcan , - a real blacksmith , brown , broad - shouldered : and blind and lame into the bargain 而你眼下看到的是個火神一個道地的鐵匠,褐色的皮膚,寬闊的肩膀,瞎了眼睛,又瘸了腿。 ”

Zero : she ' s equipped with two 6 - barrel 20 millimeter vulcan cannons as well as two 40 millimeter machine guns 它裝備有兩門20毫米口徑6管火神加農炮以及兩挺40毫米口徑的機槍。

Meanwhile vulcan arrived in a towering rage , demanding back his wife who had slipped away three days ago 這時,火神怒氣沖沖地進來,他來找他的妻子,她離家出走已經三天了。