
voyager n.航行者,(特指冒險的)航海者;旅行者。


And now the wheels whirled away the carriageloads of girls more gaily than ever . toward the fair open country they went , amid the buffetings of the fresh air of heaven . bright - colored fabrics fluttered in the wind , and the merry laughter burst forth anew as the voyagers began jesting and glancing back at the respectable folks halting with looks of annoyance at the roadside 現在,車輪已經把這批迎著冷風的煙花女帶走了,在金色的田野里,她們越來越快樂她們顏色鮮艷的衣角迎風飄蕩,笑聲重新揚起,她們不時掉過頭來,調侃張望著那些佇立在路邊的怒不可遏的循規蹈矩的人。

They were within fifteen miles of monte cristo when the sun began to set behind corsica , whose mountains appeared against the sky , showing their rugged peaks in bold relief ; this mass of rock , like the giant adamastor , rose dead ahead , a formidable barrier , and intercepting the light that gilded its massive peaks so that the voyagers were in shadow 當他們離基督山只有十五哩的時候,太陽開始沉落到科西嘉的后面,科西嘉的群山在天空的襯托下劃出明晰輪廓,雄勁地呈現出崢嶸的山峰。這座大巖山象巨人亞達麥斯脫似的氣勢洶洶地俯視著小船,遮住了太陽,而太陽又染紅了它的山巔。

It was famed that when the dark was about to the end and the dawn was coming , apollo drove his carriage of gold and ivory reined eight deity horses and brought light and mildness to the human and the world . he also was addresses respectfully the favourer - god of the walker and the voyager 傳說每當夜色即將過去,黎明即將來的時候,阿波羅便登上太陽戰車,駕駑八匹神馬,在天空巡視大地,將光明和溫暖帶給地球聲的人類和萬物,他還被尊奉為行路人、航海者的保護神。

The special selections for this year include : pic du midi observatory in southern france , the 100 - m - diameter radio telescope in west germany , mare lmbrium area of the moon , milky way , voyager 2 encounters neptune and the m31 galaxy of andromeda 選輯的十二幅珍貴天文圖片包括:法國日中峰天文臺西德一百米口徑射電望遠鏡月面雨海地區銀河航行者二號飛越海王星仙女座大星系m31等。

On july 9 1940 , four australian ships ( sydney , sturt , vampire and voyager ) participated in the battle of calabria , and although no ships were sunk , it gave the allied navy a major moral victory over the italians that was never lost 在1940年7月9日,四艘澳大利亞船(悉尼、斯圖特、吸血鬼和航海者)參加了卡拉布里亞戰役,雖然沒有任何船只被擊沉,但盟軍海軍在大海戰中獲勝未輸給意大利。

Model ms9520 shown voyager cg is a high performance single line laser bar code scanner with automatic activation and sophisticated data transmission via metrologic s proprietary codegate technology . ms9520 voyager and Ms9500 voyager是一種高級的自感應式單線激光條形碼掃描儀,既可以將其拿在手中掃描,也可以將其放在支座中掃描,兩種工作方式同樣有效。

With its 18 scientific instruments and cameras , the combined craft is considered the most complex ever to explore the planets , and it is the first to visit saturn since voyager 2 ' s flyby in 1981 “卡西尼”號飛船上裝有18種科學儀器和照相機,被認為是人類有史以來建造的最復雜的太空探測器,是自1981年“旅行者”號后的首次進入土星。

When we search the reason of collision , we will find most of the accidents were caused by the voyager ' s carelessness , ignorance and those operations violating the international regulation for preventing collision at sea 究其原因,絕大多數碰撞事故都是由于操縱者的疏忽、過失以及嚴重違反海上避碰規則所導致。

In 1977 , the us launched “ voyager two , “ an unmanned spacecraft carrying a 12 - inch copper phonograph record containing greetings in dozens of languages , samples of music and sounds of nature 在1977年,美國發射了“航行者2號“無人操縱太空船,它運載著一個12英寸的記錄著許多語言包含問候,音樂以及自然聲音的銅片留聲機

Language , to portray the diversity of life and culture on earth . his record was sent out with the voyager spacecraft in the hope that extraterrestrial life forms would eventually find it 近年的考古發掘表明,這座由數以千計的建筑組成的城市,有眾多的街坊店鋪和作坊,還有專門的商業區或手工業區。

Overlooking arabian coast harbor , this counter service restaurant is the perfect place for voyagers to relax while enjoying pita sandwiches along with fresh juices or an original blend of juice drinks 以迪士尼動畫阿拉丁中的蘇丹王為名的果汁店,猶如來訪阿拉伯海岸旅人的綠洲。

The voyager 1 space detector that launched on september 5 , 1977 , it was human first time that tried ' the extraterrestrial intelligence life ' of connection with the scientific method 1977年9月5日發射的旅行者1號太空探測器,是人類第一次以科學的方法嘗試聯系外星智慧生命。

In a number of cases , monroe ' s voyagers beyond the physical have been able to obtain names , addresses , and other information about the spirits of the dead whom they have helped 在許多案例中,門羅的物質世界之外的旅行者們能夠獲得他們幫助的亡魂的姓名、地址和其他有關信息。

“ the real advances in our business come from people who build instruments and put them on spacecraft and send them to the planets , ” he says . “ i worked on voyager ; i worked on magellan 我們這一行真正的進展,來自那些建構儀器并把它們放進太空船送到各行星去的人。

Hmas voyager had the honour on 13 june 1940 of being the first australian ship to sink an enemy submarine when she scored a kill with gunfire and depth charges 1940年6月13日, hmas (澳大利亞海軍)航海者號榮幸成為第一艘用艦炮和深水炸彈擊沉敵方潛艇的澳大利亞軍艦。

Voyager is an advanced auto - trigger , single line laser bar code scanner that is equally effective hand held or in the stand for presentation scanning 是一種高級的自感應式單線激光條形碼掃描儀,它的數據傳輸是通過metrologic公司先進的專利技術codegate按鈕實現的。

The basic skills of scouting activities like camping , cooking , exploration and other interests are included in the syllabuses of the pathfinder and voyager awards 童軍活動之基本技能,如露營、烹飪及探險等及其他興趣,已編訂于探索獎章及毅行獎章之課程內。

However , people still know little about neptune , until 1989 the voyager 2 flyby of neptune allow people to closely look at this blue planet 但人們對海王星的認知不多,直至1989年航行者2號探測船飛掠海王星時才讓人類第一次近距離觀看這顆海藍色的天體。

Data from the cassini spacecraft have provided astronomers with a likely source of saturn ' s mysterious g ring , which was discovered by voyager probe 卡西尼號太空船提供給天文學家的資料是土星神秘的g狀環形物的可靠資源,這是由航行者的探測器發現的。