
vowel n.【語音】母音(符號) (opp. consonant...

vowel mark

Articulated without friction and capable of being prolonged like a vowel 流音的無摩擦清晰發出并可象元音一樣延長的

Clarification of reduced vowels 弱化元音的澄清

Character without compound vowel 沒有復韻母的字

From long vowels in oirad dialect to see the evolution in mongolian 從蒙古語衛拉特方言長元音看蒙古語元音的發展

On the origin and development of the long and short vowels of the ancient burmese 論古緬語長短元音的形成與發展

A comparative study of english and chinese vowels and its pedagogical significance 英漢元音對比與英語語音教學

The single - valued representation of the vowels of the same height 相同高度的元音在獨值音系特征分析法中的表征

If there ' s one thing i won ' t stand for , it ' s loose vowels 如果我只有一種東西無法忍受的話那就是難聽的發音

This aggregate counts the vowels in a column of string datatypes 此聚合對字符串數據類型的列中的元音計數。

These three methods are separately used to convert 5 vowels in mandarin 實驗分別對5個普通話元音進行轉換。

Buy a vowei . - buy another vowel 挑個元音再挑個元音

The duration of a vowel 音延,音長元音發音的持續時間

Vowel pattern of modern uyghur 現代維吾爾語元音格局分析

Buy a vowel . - buy another vowel -挑個元音. -再挑個元音

Buy a vowel . - pick up that trip -挑個元音. -選那次旅行

My opinion on practicing vowel quot; u quot 母音練習之我見

Straight back . remember your vowels 站好了,注意你的發音

On skills of adjusting the vowel resonance in the training of singing 論聲樂訓練中調節母音共鳴的技巧

A vowel can form a syllable by itself 元音能單獨構成音節。