
votive adj.奉獻的,還愿的;誠心祈求的,許愿的。adv.-l...


On the basis of archaeological samples and data collected over many years , as well as historical documents , the author investigates several questions intimately connected with the southern song official kilns : the uses and unique features of southern song pottery votive objects ; the relationships between wang jinxi and shao e , on the one hand , and the liqi ju ( bureau of ritual objects ) , shao ju and xiuneisi official kiln , on the other ; and the styles and usages of the replica bronze ritual objects produced by the southern song kilns as ceramic objects 摘要作者在多年積累的考古實物資料的基礎上,結合歷史文獻,探討了與南宋官窯密切相關的諸問題:如南宋陶質祭器的使用與特征,王晉錫、邵諤與禮器局、邵局、修內司官窯的關系,南宋官窯生產的仿青銅禮器瓷的性質與用途等。

At the 4 days the chlase activities rise up to the maximum in order to study pao , fd was prepared . and different methods got different states of fd . votive fd got from spinach by simple method had absorb at 267 and 332nm . and this votive fd were used to study pao 4 .探索及優化了hplc一熒光法檢測pao活力的方法,測試體系包括底物pheidea 、 n入nph 、 ole6p 、 o一e6p一nh及還原型fd ,加入pao啟動反應,固定反應時間,通過hplc一熒光法檢測產物量,用以表示pao的活性。

Archaeologists believe the tomb filled with dozens of votive clay pots and idols , copper coins and jewelry will shed light on the culture of macedonia in the period that followed alexander ' s conquest of asia 考古學家們還在該墓穴內發現了許多供奉用的粘土罐泥偶,另外還有銅幣和珠寶。他們相信,該墓穴能為人們了解亞歷山大大帝東征后這段時期內馬其頓王國的文化發展帶來啟迪。

“ you shall not bring the hire of a harlot or the wages of a dog into the house of the lord your god for any votive offering , for both of these are an abomination to the lord your god 申23 : 18娼妓所得的錢、或孌童原文作狗所得的價、你不可帶入耶和華你神的殿還愿因為這兩樣都是耶和華你神所憎惡的。

The club of marlott alone lived to uphold the local cerealia . it had walked for hundreds of years , if not as benefit - club , as votive sisterhood of some sort ; and it walked still 它已經延續了好幾白年,如果算不上共濟會,它也是一種供奉上帝的姐妹會而且它還要繼續存在下去。

Materials : 4 votive candles , 1 taper candle , a chalice with salt - water , a bowl of sand , a cone of sandalwood incense , matches 工具:四只許愿蠟燭、一只細蠟燭、適量的鹽水裝在酒杯當中、一碗沙、一搓檀香料、火柴。

“ only your holy things which you may have and your votive offerings , you shall take and go to the place which the lord chooses 申12 : 26只是你分別為圣的物、和你的還愿祭、要奉到耶和華所選擇的地方去。

What little space there was below the sloping ceiling was as closely covered with pictures as an italian votive chapel 傾斜的天花板下面那一點點空間,如同意大利還愿禮拜堂那樣密密地貼滿了圖畫。

As a holy duty to cultivate humans , schooling should naturally assume a mission of cultivating into votive talents 作為以育人為天職的學校教育理所當然地肩負起培養創新人才的神圣使命。

Preliminary study on the appellation in social intercourse among yuanwen votive writings found in dunhuang manuscripts 敦煌愿文社會交際稱謂詞初探

Tracing the votive inscriptions bear on buddhist shrines at the thousand - buddha grottoes of qi xia monastery 棲霞寺千佛巖石窟尋覓佛龕題刻蹤跡

The added two syllable words in dunhuang votive texts 敦煌愿文中的名詞加綴雙音詞