
voracious adj.1.狼吞虎咽的,貪吃的。2.貪婪的,貪心的,難滿...


There he saw dazzling camellias expanding themselves , with flowers which were giving forth their last col - ours and perfumes , not on bushes , but on trees ; and within bamboo enclosures , cherry , plum , and apple trees , which the japanese cultivate rather for their blossoms than their fruit , and which queerly - fashioned grinning scarecrows protected from the sparrows , pigeons , ravens , and other voracious birds 在那些筑有竹籬笆圍墻的果樹園里,種著櫻桃樹李子樹和蘋果樹。當地人種這些果樹,與其說是為了賣果子倒不如說是為了賣花。果園里裝置著怪模怪樣的草人和不斷發出尖銳響聲的驅鳥機,防止那些麻雀鴿子烏鴉和其他貪食的鳥類來啄食果子。

Playing a dandy emasculated by his pampered background and driven to desperation by a taboo love , leslie has , according to stanley kwan , “ perfected his role . “ as a courtesan bedecked in the silk - and - embroidery opulence of cheongsams , anita who won two best actress awards puts the fatale in femme fatale , combining voracious passion with vulnerability 但為何從塘西傳來那南音是如此加倍凄楚,只因唱著的是那隔世尋覓的忠貞,現代人再不稀罕的一生一世。三十年代名妓如花幽魂飄到今天,尋找當年相約殉情赴死的十二少,才發現當今的人情地志今非昔比。

When i was on the desperate expedition on the desert shores of africa , i never had so as one thought of what would become of me ; or one to od to direct me whether i should go , or to keep me from the danger which apparently surrounded me , as well from voracious creatures as cruel savages : but i was meerly thoughtless of a god , or a providence ; acted like a meer brute from the principles of nature , and by the dictates of common sense only , and indeed hardly that 當我不顧一切,冒險去非洲蠻荒的海岸,我從未想到這種冒險生涯會給我帶來什么后果,也沒有祈禱上帝為我指引一條正路,保佑我脫離身邊的危險,免遭野獸或野人的襲擊。我完全沒有想到上帝,想到天意我的行為完全像一個畜生,只受自然規律的支配,或只聽從常識的驅使,甚至連常識都談不上。

The doctor advised me against eating any deep - fried or pungent food . however , the irresistible smell of the deep - fried veggie fermented tofu at a stall opposite the tachih venue stimulated my hunger and voracious appetite 因為前幾天胃潰瘍的老毛病又犯而進了醫院,醫生叮嚀不可吃油炸及刺激性食物,可是大直會場對面的臭豆腐攤,陣陣飄送過來油炸臭豆腐的香味,刺激著我饑餓又貪吃的肚子。

In recent years , thanks to china ' s rapid industrialisation and its voracious appetite for metals , mining companies have also produced mammoth profits , boasted gigantic valuations and undergone a series of outsized mergers and acquisitions 最近幾年,由于中國迅速的工業化發展以及對金屬原料的巨大需求,礦業企業獲得了巨額利潤,企業市值大幅上升,同時還出現了一連串大型并購。

They are voracious eaters , multiply quickly and are so stubborn once entrenched that the shedd staff worried they could end up clogging the aquarium ' s pipes hence , the models that climb the side of one of the exhibit ' s aquariums 這不,在展覽中亮相的亞洲鯉魚是活的,永遠像在張嘴打哈欠的圓蝦虎魚也是活的,惟獨這種貽貝是個就連展覽主辦方也不敢惹禍上身。

General public ' s voracious appetite for knowledge , sufficient capital support , good humanistic environment and active participation of governments and enterprises are all key factors in building up sudy - oriented higher vocational calleges 社會大眾的強烈求知欲、充足的資金支持、良好的人文環境、政府和企業的積極參與是創建學習型高職教育的重要因素。

One of china ' s biggest economic headaches this year has been the runaway pace of fixed asset investment that has in turn caused voracious demand for steel , aluminium , cement and other building materials 中國經濟今年所面臨最為頭痛的問題之一就是由于固定資產投資失控,使得鋼鐵、鋁材、水泥及其它建筑材料需求大幅增加。

People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while lionel richie ' s adopted daughter does n ' t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 動物保護組織“動物人道主義協會”說,歌王萊昂內爾里奇的這個養女盡管看上去不像很愛吃肉,但對動物皮毛衣物卻情有獨鐘。

People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while lionel richie s adopted daughter doesn t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 動物保護組織“動物人道主義協會”說,歌王萊昂內爾里奇的這個養女盡管看上去不像很愛吃肉,但對動物皮毛衣物卻情有獨鐘。

People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while lionel richie ' s adopted daughter doesn ' t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 動物保護組織“動物人道主義協會”說,歌王萊昂內爾?里奇的這個養女盡管看上去不像很愛吃肉,但對動物皮毛衣物卻情有獨鐘。

People for the ethical treatment of animals said that while lionel richie ' s adopted daughter doesn ' t look as though she eats lots of meat , she is a voracious wearer of animals 動物保護組織“動物人道主義協會”說,歌王萊昂內爾? ? ? _的這個養女盡管看上去不像很愛吃肉,但對動物皮毛衣物卻情有獨鍾。

Beijing ' s voracious appetite for raw materials to sustain a fast - growing economy has seen chinese trade and investment pouring into africa in the past few years 過去幾年里,為了維持快速成長的經濟,北京政府對原材料的需求量越來越高,中國貿易和投資商也紛紛把目光轉向尚未開放的非洲大陸。

He saluted and turned abruptly away . she had wakened the sleeping dogs of old voracious anger in him , anger against the self - willed female . and he was powerless , powerless 她把他心里隱憂著和狂暴的舊恨那對于堅執的婦人的憤怒撩醒了,而他是無力反抗的,莫可奈何的,他知道這個!

A small town , desperate to recover from hard economic times , is under threat when voracious snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings 一個為從經濟危機中恢復而鋌而走險的小鎮,時下正處于在化學有毒物質污染的湖泊中幸存下來,突變的兇殘的黑魚威脅下。

This programme follows a small group of social herbivores , leaellynasaura , showing how they mate , rear their young , and survive the voracious polar allosaurus 本片會追蹤一小群草食動物雷利諾,看看它們怎樣交配養兒育女與及如何熬過極地中貪婪的異特的襲擊。

Lula ' s own party resists such measures , and he may be even more at the mercy of his congressional allies ' voracious appetite for public money 盧拉所在的政黨堅持這些措施,但是國會聯盟對于國有資金的貪得無厭,會在很大程度上制約盧拉的改革。

The scot says the key to surviving in football for so long , aside from an insatiable love of the game , is voracious hunger to learn 蘇格蘭人說他一直能在競爭激烈的足球圈里立于不敗之地的要點除了對足球的熱愛之外就是保持對學習的高熱情。

Lula ' s own party resists such measures , and he may be even more at the mercy of his congressional allies ' voracious appetite for public money 盧拉自己的黨派對這些改革很抵觸,而他自己可能在議會同黨對公共財產的貪婪面前睜一眼閉一眼。