
volvulus n.【醫學】腸扭轉。


Because intestinal obstruction is the primary manifestation , neonatal intussusception is initially indistinguishable from obstructions due to other reasons like intestinal atresia , congenital bands , necrotizing enterocolitis or midgut volvulus 由于新生兒腸套疊以腸阻塞為最初的臨床表徵,所以應該和其它腸阻塞例如腸閉鎖、壞死性腸炎、腸扭結做區分。

Such ischemia most often results from hypotension ( shock ) from cardiac failure , from marked blood loss , or from loss of blood supply from mechanical obstruction ( as with the bowel incarcerated in a hernia or with volvulus or intussusception ) 局部缺血常見于由心衰、大量失血、血管受阻(見于腸疝、腸扭轉或腸套疊)所導致的低血壓(休克) 。

A volvulus may further complicate the process and cause rapid hernial strangulation and intestinal gangrene ( fig 9 ) ( 1 , 3 , 32 ) 腸扭轉是進一步的并發癥,從而導致迅速的疝性絞窄和腸壞疽(圖9 ) 。

Diagnotsic value of msct in intestinal volvulus 對腸扭轉的診斷價值

At operation, massive small bowel infarction due to volvulus was found . 手術時發現大量小腸由于扭轉而壞死。