uploads/volunteer plants.jpg

volunteer plants 【植物;植物學】自生植物。


Based on the principles of restoration ecology and main aim of karst vegetation restoration at present , take huajiang canyon with a typical degraded vegetation area located in southwest guizhou as an example , we study bio - ecological features of the volunteer plants with some economic values and the soil environment , for the purpose of making some models of the pioneer plants to popularize 根據恢復生態學原理和喀斯特區植被恢復的目標,以位于貴州省西南部的典型喀斯特植被退化區花江峽谷為例,通過研究該區具一定經濟價值和推廣價值的先鋒植物的生物生態學特征和土壤環境,研究適于推廣應用的先鋒植物群落模式。

Green volunteers plant shrubs during a campaign in the tai po waterfront park in september 2003 綠化義工參加2003年9月在大埔海濱公園舉行的植樹活動。