
volubly adv.流暢地,滔滔不絕地。


It was in a way akin to that common habit of men and women troubled by real or fancied grievances , who periodically and volubly break their long - suffering silence and “ have their say “ till the last word is said 那在一定程度上跟普通男女在受到真正的或是想當然的委屈時候的習慣差不多,他們總要不時地打破長期的沉默,大發牢騷, “暢所欲言” ,直到吐盡了苦水為止。

Georgia complained volubly about a russian missile that it said had been dropped by russian aircraft into a field near the breakaway georgian republic of south ossetia 格魯吉亞不斷抱怨俄羅斯戰機向要求獨立的南奧賽梯附近發射了一枚導彈。

She answered . he leaned forward to put his elbows upon the back of her seat and proceeded to make himself volubly agreeable 他往前傾著身子,把他的胳膊搭在她的椅背上,開始討人喜歡地聊了起來。

He leaned forward to put his elbows upon the back of her seat and proceeded to make himself volubly agreeable 他往前傾著身子,把他的胳膊搭在她的椅背上,開始討人喜歡地聊了起來。

Really , monsieur , you are very kind . and they walked off together , passepartout chatting volubly as they went along “先生, ”路路通向費克斯說, “您這個人真熱心! ”

He talked as volubly as ever 他還像從前一樣滔滔不絕地說著話。

Dick had his bible out , and was praying volubly 狄克取出他那本圣經,振振有詞地開始禱告。