
voluble adj.1.流利的,流暢的,口若懸河的,善辯的。2.易旋...


Based on this opinion , we design and manufacture experimental platform of controlled plate five - bar linkages realizing tract . we hope experiment of this can test result on theory . on the other hand , it can also improve development on theory and provide voluble experience for later mechanical industry 基于這一想法,本課題初步設計并建成了實現軌跡的受控平面五桿機構試驗臺,目的是通過試驗臺的建立來驗證理論上的結論,另一方面,也是通過試驗來推進理論的發展,為以后的工業應用奠定一定的試驗基礎。

What was said in this disappointing anti - climax , by the disciples of the good republican brutus of antiquity , except that it was something very voluble and loud , would have been as so much hebrew or chaldean to miss pross and her protector , though they had been all ears “共和古英豪布魯塔斯”的信徒們對這個虎頭蛇尾的事件發表了什么意見,普洛絲小姐和她的保護者即使豎起耳朵也只能聽見一大片喧嚷,跟聽見希伯萊文或查爾底亞神讖差不多。

Brisk in a galliard he was off and out . in the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal , in duty bound , most fair , most kind , most honest broadbrim 在浴滿陽光的走廊上,他不辭勞苦,熱情地口若懸河地談著,極其公正極其和藹地盡著本分,不愧為一名最忠誠的“寬邊帽” 295 。

He has been a voluble defender of domestic jobs , when logic might dictate that efficiency is to be found outside the confines of high - cost japan 御手洗?直滔滔不絕地為國內就業辯護,盡管從邏輯上看,企業只有走出去,擺脫曰本國內高成本的限制,經營才能有效率。

But our defarge , said jacques three , is undoubtedly a good republican ? eh ? there is no better , the voluble vengeance protested in her shrill notes , in france “可是我們的德伐日, ”雅克三號說, “無疑是個優秀的共和分子,是么? ”

Voluble , dutiful , he led the way to all the provincial papers , a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels 口若懸河,盡著本分,他領先到放著所有地方報紙的所在。一個鞠著躬的黑影兒尾隨著他那匆忙的腳后跟。

A person who makes elaborate , fraudulent , and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge ; a quack or fraud 假內行,庸醫,騙子精心制作或制造欺騙的人,而且對自己的技術或知識常常夸大其辭的人;江湖醫生或騙子

“ i gave her rather a lot of brandy , “ she said , “ it ' s made her a little voluble . but not confused , do you think ? “我讓她喝了不少白蘭地, ”她說, “使她變得有點兒嘮叨,可是她并沒有糊涂,你看呢? ”

Legislative technique is voluble to legislation and legal system , and even to development of the whole society 立法技術對立法、法制乃至整個社會發展,有彌足珍貴的價值。

The two men are back from a ten - day visit to iraq , and are even more voluble than usual 兩人剛剛結束對伊拉克的十天訪問,這時比平常更健談了。

He has been voluble to the point of suffocation , then quiet as the jordan 他滔滔不絕直到把自個兒憋得透不過氣來,隨后又像約旦河一樣沉默無語。

And that was the vicious and voluble end of the seven young parrots 其余六只鸚鵡也饑餓之極,也想得到這顆櫻桃? ?于是,七只鸚鵡開始了一場廝打。

Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed 她對工作中的失誤強加辯解,但是很難讓人相信。

Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed 她對工作失敗的解釋口若懸河,但不易為人相信。

“ you were too voluble , “ she said . “ but it was beautiful , in places . “你太拉雜, ”她說, “但是小說很美,在某些部分。 ”

Pompiou replaced the voluble foreign minister maurice schumann 蓬皮杜撤掉了能言善辯的外交部長莫里斯?舒曼。

He expressed voluble protests 他表示了振振有詞的抗議。

They became more voluble than ever 他們越來越夸夸其談。

The englishman broke into voluble and perfect italian 那個英國人突然講起流利而純正的意大利語來。