
voltaire Voltaire , F.M.A. de 伏爾泰〔169...


From the 15th century middle eastern establishments where men gathered to listen to music , play chess , and hear recitations from works of literature , to paris ' cafe le procope where luminaries of the french enlightenment such as voltaire , rousseau , and diderot came to enjoy a hot cup of joe , coffeehouses have traditionally served as centers of social interaction , places where people can come to relax , chat , and exchange ideas 從15世紀人們聚集在一起聽歌、下棋、講述文學作品的中東地區,到法國啟蒙運動中的文化名人聚集的巴黎普洛各普咖啡館,比如伏爾泰、盧梭、狄德羅就曾經來這里品嘗熱咖啡,咖啡館自古以來就是一個供人們休息、聊天、交流思想和進行社會交往的中心。

So too , like voltaire in his day , the champions of the law of necessity use the law as a weapon against religion , though , like the law of copernicus in astronomy , the law of necessity in history , far from destroying even strengthens the foundation on which political and ecclesiastical edifices are reared 正如當年的伏爾泰一樣,現在那些自告奮勇的必然性法則的捍衛者利用必然性法則作為反對宗教的工具但是,正如哥白尼在天文學方面的定律一樣,歷史的必然性法則不但沒有摧毀國家和教會機構賴以建立的基礎,甚至鞏固地奠定那個基礎。

On that method of reasoning such a deduction is inevitable ; as inevitable as the contention which voltaire maintains in jest unconscious what he was ridiculing that the massacre of st . bartholomew was due to an attack of dyspepsia from which charles ix was suffering 用這種思路得出的結論是無可懷疑的,正如伏爾泰開玩笑他自己也不知嘲笑什么說,巴托洛繆之夜是由于查理九世腸胃失調引起的,這個結論同樣是無可懷疑的。

It is to my generation that i speak , to those for whom the theories of monsieur de voltaire are , happily , defunct , to those who , like myself , can see that humanity has , these fifteen years past , been engaged in one of its boldest leaps forward 我這是在向我同時代的人呼吁,向那些伏爾泰先生的理論幸而對之已經不起作用的人們呼吁,向那些像我一樣地懂得十五年以來人道主義正在突飛猛進的人呼吁。

To the champions of the laws of copernicus and newton , to voltaire , for instance , it seemed that the laws of astronomy were destructive of religion , and the latter made use of the law of gravity as a weapon against religion 在保衛哥白尼和牛頓定律的人們看來,例如在伏爾泰看來,似乎天文學的法則摧毀了宗教,于是他利用萬有引力定律作為反對宗教的工具。

I have never made but one prayer to god , a very short one : “ o lord , make my enemies ridiculous . “ and god granted . - - - voltaire 我只對上帝祈禱過一件十分簡單的事情, “上帝啊,讓我的敵人愚蠢吧。 ”還好上帝答應了我。伏爾泰仗著一支健筆,顯露出充分的高蹈自負。

The french writer francois marie arouet ( pen name : voltaire ) was a tireless fighter for general enlightenment and against superstition and intolerance 法國小說家弗朗索瓦?馬利?阿魯埃(筆名:伏爾泰)是一位為了啟迪大眾、破除迷信與褊狹而不知疲倦的斗士。

If there had been no bagration , somebody would have to invent him , said the wit , shinshin , parodying the words of voltaire “如果沒有巴格拉季蓊, il faudrait linventer 。 ”詼諧的申申滑稽地模仿伏爾泰的話說。

The french atheist , voltaire , one hundred years ago said that the bible will be forgotten and found only in museums 一個法國無神論者伏泰特,在一百年前說過,一百年后圣經會被遺忘,人只會在博物館中找到圣經。

Thus voltaire held that it is only a very slight line of separation that divides the man of genius from the man of ordinary mould 所以,伏爾泰認為區分天才和一般類型的人的界線是非常細微的。

On vol taire ' s conception of history - a discussion of voltaire ' s criticism of bossuet ' s christian theological conception of history 以伏爾泰對博絮埃的基督教神學史觀的批判為討論

The french philosopher voltaire wrote : there are some that only employ words for the purports of disguising their thoughts 法國哲學家:有些人利用辭令來掩蓋內心的真實想法。

Voltaire said : “ i may disagree with what you say , but i will defend to the death your right to say it . 伏爾泰曾說:我不同意你所講的內容,但是我會捍衛你說話的權利。

Oscar is sensitive and compassionate . he speaks french fluently and is passionate about voltaire 15歲的古奧加既早熟又善解人意,他會說流利法文,還熟讀伏爾泰。

In dying , i will say to those around me what voltaire wrote to piron : eo rus , and all will be over 譯注的那句話,到鄉下去吧,一了百了。說給我周圍的人聽。

I disapprove of what you say , but i will defend to the death your right to say it voltaire 我不同意你說的話,但我愿意誓死捍衛你說話的權利伏爾泰。

On voltaire ' s rational conception of history and the origin ' of his methodology for history research 論伏爾泰的理性史觀及歷史認識的方法論根源

Said by : voltaire when asked by a priest [ color = black ] to renounce satan [ / color ] 出自:伏爾泰,他臨終前,一位牧師請他與撒旦斷絕關系。

To say it . voltaire 我不同意你說的話