
volta Volta , A. 伏打(1745-1827),意大利...


The idea that he could suddenly volte - face and seek to be accepted on the world stage as a friend of the u . s . is far from impossible 那種認為他可能突然來個大轉彎,尋求作為美國的一位朋友而被世界舞臺所接受的想法遠非不可能的。

Volte . the volte is a circle of 6 , 8 or 10 meters diameter . if larger than 10 meters , one uses the term circle stating the diameter 圈乘是沿著六米、八米或十米直徑的圓周轉一圈,稱為圈乘。如果直徑大于十米,則稱為輪乘。

In 1800 volta made his experiment cell and produced for the first time a steady electric current 1800年伏特做出了一個實驗電池并第一次產生了穩定的直流電。

First battery invented by alessandro volta , an italian physicist 意大利物理學家亞歷山德羅.沃爾塔發明電池。

The volte face is particularly dramatic among neoconservatives 新保守主義者的轉向尤其戲劇化。

This was the project, originally conceived by the british colonial administration, for a dam on the volta river . 那就是原由英國殖民政府所設計的沃爾特水壩工程計劃。

Volta succeeded in producing a simple form of cell which is the parent of modern batteries . 沃爾塔成功地制造了簡單的電池,這種電池就是現代電池的起源。

His compatriot volta showed that this was not so . 他的本國同胞伏打指出,情況并非如此。