
volley n.1.(箭、子彈等的)齊射;排槍[排炮]發射。2.(質...

The hunter spell “ volley “ has had its tooltip updated to reflect that it is channeled 亂射的說明文字將明確表示它是一個通道法術。


Robert huth ' s 82nd minute half - volley was only a consolation for germany , completing the scoring in a 4 - 1 defeat to italy 胡特在第82分鐘的進球只能為德國挽回一點面子,因為德國被意大利4 : 1擊敗。

Twice they noticed the french appearing below close to them , and they sent volleys of grapeshot at them 他們曾兩次發現,法國官兵在山下離他們很近的地方出現了,他們于是向法國佬發射霰彈。

Moments later seedorf forced a fine save from edwin van der sar with a thunderous volley from the edge of the area 幾分鐘之后,西多夫在禁區線附近射出威脅球,迫使范德薩作出精彩的撲救。

The right back hit a true volley into the bottom corner and levelled the scores within two minutes of the scott ' s opener 克爾斯婷凌空抽射入網底,在斯克特首開記錄后兩分鐘將比分扳平。

Taking him at his word , roo flicks the ball upwards before volleying straight at the tarantino wannabe from 30 yards 話音未落,魯尼在30碼處輕彈起足球然后直射向這位塔倫蒂諾的崇拜者。

When they did break out , fortune volleyed harmlessly over after an opening fell charlton ' s way 而他們真的爆發了,在查爾頓獲得主動后福瓊一腳臨空射門高出橫梁,幸好威脅不大。

But the ivorian striker , who scored 33 goals last season , smashed his right - foot volley against an upright 但是上個賽季攻入了33球的科特迪瓦前鋒卻右腳凌空射門將球打飛

There came a volley of shots with the sound of bullets whizzing by and thudding into something 一排密急的槍聲,凌空飛來的子彈呼嘯而過,有的啪嚓一聲打在什么東西上。

From the ensuing corner , hamad al montashari volleyed wide at the far post from a difficult angle 沙特獲得角球,遠門柱處的蒙塔薩里在一個困難的位置空抽射打偏。

The french had time to fire three volleys of grape - shot before the hussars got back to their horses 在驃騎兵們回到控馬兵那里以前,法國人已經發射了三次霰彈。

The soldiers , as though they were urging each other on , shouted at every volley : bravo 好像是催促似的,士兵們每放一炮就大聲喊叫: “真妙!對,就這么放!

With his left foot emre volleys just wide of the right post from the left side of the cagliari goal 埃姆雷在對方禁區的左策用他的左腳射門,偏出右門柱。

You know , i can maybe still improve my returning game , you know , my serving , my volleying 比如在接發球發球和截擊方面,我還可以做得更好一些。

On july 5 , pyongyang launched another volley of missiles , sparking unease across the region 7月5日平壤的大規模試射使得該地區的不安情況加劇。

You need to watch the volleys and know when the final volley will kill the enemy unit / structure 你需要注意它的彈夾,判斷出擊毀目標所需彈藥。

The cannon - shot was followed , after a considerable interval , by a volley of small arms 炮聲過后,在隔了相當長的間歇之后,又是一排槍聲。

This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour 這些火槍的先驅者可以射出穿透盔甲的致命齊射。

Well done ! it never ceases to amaze me how persuasive a volley of arcane missiles can be 干得好!秘法飛彈的說服力總能讓我感到驚訝。