
voice n.1.語聲;嗓音;鳴聲;〔比喻〕呼聲。2.發聲力,語言...


There was a ring of triumph in his voice . 他話里盡是勝利語氣。

Several drinks had thickened his voice . 他喝了幾杯酒以后嗓音變得沙啞了。

Her voice sounded hoarse and strange . 她的聲音聽來又啞又奇怪。

Boldly, he addressed me in a low voice . 這人神氣十足地,悄悄地跟我搭話。

In a low voice the correspondent addressed the captain . 記者低聲喊船長。

I was as though his eyes had a voice . 他的眼睛象在說著話似的。

She said good night in a broken voice . 她在祝他晚安時嗓音哽咽。

There was but one voice in her praise there . 那里對她是異口同聲的贊揚。

His voice broke into a sob as he answered . 他回答的時候,聲音象哭一樣。

His voice was cold, sharp and final . 他的聲音冷酷、尖刻、干脆。

His strident voice rang through the house . 他那刺耳的嗓音響徹整個房子。

Her voice was full of fierce regret . 她的聲調充滿了深深的惋惜。

She started at the sound of my voice . 她聽到我的聲音,嚇了一跳。

Her voice should be professionally trained . 她在運嗓上應接受專業訓練。

The captain's voice blared in the tube . 艇長在傳話筒里大聲吼叫。

Scherbel said in a high thin voice . 謝爾伯爾尖著嗓子高聲地說道。

The stranger's smooth voice went on and on . 陌生客油腔滑調地說個不停。

His voice sounds as if he had a cold . 他的聲音聽起來總像是傷了風似的。

His voice broke when he was thirteen . 他十三歲的時候嗓音變粗了。