
vogue n.1.時髦,時樣,風氣,時尚;流行。2.時髦的事物[人...


The open style bathrooms make you feel cozy , vogue and unique 通透式浴室,讓您體會溫馨時尚別具匠心

Was it vogue , or elle , or . ? - vogue at cipriani -時尚雜志,還是elle ,還是. ? -在齊普里亞尼和時尚雜志

[ vogue ] what are the three most important values in life 生命中排在最重要、最有價值前三位的是什么?

This hair style was brought into vogue by hollywood stars 這種發型是因好萊塢的明星們而時髦起來的。

Blonde skirts were the vogue for young women last summer 去年夏天淺色裙子在年輕婦女中風靡一時。

This hair style was brought into vogue by hollywood stars 這種發型由好萊塢明星帶進時尚潮流的。

Let the green packing become the vogue 讓簡潔的綠色包裝成為時尚

His novels were in vogue ten years ago 他的小說十年前風靡一時。

Such targeted taxes seem to be in vogue at the moment 當前這種有針對性的征稅似乎在成為時尚。

The vogue to adore auspicious sign in song dynasty 論宋代尚祥之風

I know a little . it is in vogue now (知道一點,它現在很時髦。 )

The organic combination between original - zoology culture and vogue 原生態文化與時尚的有機結合

` accountability ' is the current vogue - word in politics 有解釋責任是當前政治上的流行詞

Analysis on the fortune - telling in vogue 對算命現象流行的分析與探討

His novels had a great vogue ten years ago 他的小說十年前風靡一時

The novel had an enormous vogue in the 1930 ' s 這本小說在一九三十年代曾有異常巨大的人氣。

Society should rejoice that greenery is in vogue 社會應當欣喜現在溫室效應問題還是熱點。

Golden collar men , necktie culture and vogue ' s witness 金領男人,領帶文化與時尚的見證。

In the 1990s , short hair for women became the vogue 20世紀90年代,女人留短發成為時尚。