
vogt n.沃格特〔姓氏〕。

Mechanics couldn t pinpoint what caused her car to malfunction , but jennifer says she s sure who saved her life . “ at 120 mph , my life was about to end , “ she says . “ but officer vogt risked his own life to keep that from happening 技師找不出車子出事的原因,珍妮佛說她很清楚是誰救了她,她表示:當車子沖到了時速一百二十公里的時候,我以為自己就快要死了,可是沃特警官冒著生命的危險救了我,我永遠都會感謝他。

The halloween - themed wedding between sandy beyer and keith vogt was an impulsive idea that was frightfully clever . “ weddings are generally boring , especially for kids , so we decided to do something fun for the kids , “ beyer said 新郎拜伊說: “婚禮通常是很乏味的,特別是對那些參加婚禮的孩子們而言,我們的婚禮一定要讓孩子們覺得有趣,這樣他們就可以在婚禮上瘋狂地玩耍。 ”

“ just hang on ! help s on the way . “ listening to the dispatcher bellowing updates on jennifer s location , police officer richard vogt raced toward the next intersection she would cross praying , please let me get there in time 當時警官理查沃特一邊聽著報案中心大聲報告珍妮佛的位置,一邊火速前往她將要經過的下一個十字路口,同時沃特警官祈禱:讓我及時趕到那里!

Suddenly , jennifer saw flashing lights filling her rearview mirror . “ tell him to get back ! “ she screamed into the phone propped on her shoulder as officer vogt s cruiser roared up beside her 突然,她從后視鏡中看到了閃爍的警燈,接著沃特警官飛車沖上來與她并排行駛,她尖聲的對夾在肩頭的手機叫喊著:告訴他趕快回去他會害死自己的。

“ then they could go out trick - or - treating . “ vogt and beyer said they do n ' t regret skipping the traditional gown , pomp and circumstance 拜伊和妻子認為,雖然他們沒有穿上傳統的禮服,也沒有按照傳統方式來舉辦婚禮,但他們一點都不后悔。

“ then they could go out trick - or - treating . “ vogt and beyer said they don t regret skipping the traditional gown , pomp and circumstance 拜伊和妻子認為,雖然他們沒有穿上傳統的禮服,也沒有按照傳統方式來舉辦婚禮,但他們一點都不后悔。


When he arrived moments later , he spotted jennifer s headlights in the distance flying toward him - and other cars coming at him from the side streets ! i ve got to stop them before she gets here or people are going to die ! officer vogt realized 當趕到之后,他看到遠處珍妮佛的車子正向他這邊飛奔而來,而同時兩邊街道的車子也都正在往他這邊開過來,沃特警官警覺到:我必須在她到達之前,攔下其它的車子,不然的話,會有人送命的!

Mechanics couldn t pinpoint what caused her car to malfunction , but jennifer says she s sure who saved her life . “ at 120 mph , my life was about to end , “ she says . “ but officer vogt risked his own life to keep that from happening 技師找不出車子出事的原因,珍妮佛說她很清楚是誰救了她,她表示:當車子沖到了時速一百二十公里的時候,我以為自己就快要死了,可是沃特警官冒著生命的危險救了我,我永遠都會感謝他。

The halloween - themed wedding between sandy beyer and keith vogt was an impulsive idea that was frightfully clever . “ weddings are generally boring , especially for kids , so we decided to do something fun for the kids , “ beyer said 新郎拜伊說: “婚禮通常是很乏味的,特別是對那些參加婚禮的孩子們而言,我們的婚禮一定要讓孩子們覺得有趣,這樣他們就可以在婚禮上瘋狂地玩耍。 ”

“ just hang on ! help s on the way . “ listening to the dispatcher bellowing updates on jennifer s location , police officer richard vogt raced toward the next intersection she would cross praying , please let me get there in time 當時警官理查沃特一邊聽著報案中心大聲報告珍妮佛的位置,一邊火速前往她將要經過的下一個十字路口,同時沃特警官祈禱:讓我及時趕到那里!

Suddenly , jennifer saw flashing lights filling her rearview mirror . “ tell him to get back ! “ she screamed into the phone propped on her shoulder as officer vogt s cruiser roared up beside her 突然,她從后視鏡中看到了閃爍的警燈,接著沃特警官飛車沖上來與她并排行駛,她尖聲的對夾在肩頭的手機叫喊著:告訴他趕快回去他會害死自己的。

“ then they could go out trick - or - treating . “ vogt and beyer said they do n ' t regret skipping the traditional gown , pomp and circumstance 拜伊和妻子認為,雖然他們沒有穿上傳統的禮服,也沒有按照傳統方式來舉辦婚禮,但他們一點都不后悔。

“ then they could go out trick - or - treating . “ vogt and beyer said they don t regret skipping the traditional gown , pomp and circumstance 拜伊和妻子認為,雖然他們沒有穿上傳統的禮服,也沒有按照傳統方式來舉辦婚禮,但他們一點都不后悔。

I ve got to stop her ! officer vogt thought , realizing that at any moment the car could spin out of control 沃特警官知道這輛車隨時都可能會失去控制,他心想:我一定要想辦法讓她的車子停下來!

Both jennifer and office vogt were treated for minor bruises and later released 珍妮佛和沃特警官都只受了輕微的擦傷,不久他們就出院了。

Vogt s syndrome 伏格特綜合癥

Alfred elton van vogt 范沃格特

We reported a 8 - year - old chinese girl of vogt - koyanagi - harada disease 摘要本篇提出一個八歲中國人女性之原田病病例報告。