
vodka n.〔俄語〕 伏特加酒。


Marilyn ' s got good taste in vodka . this is , iike , a 50 bottle 瑪里琳擅長挑伏特加瞧這個, 50美金一瓶

I would like a vodka straight up , though 我真想來點伏特加

01 vodka & orange : it ' s the most fashion drinking method now 01伏特加+橙汁:這是一種最為流行的喝法。

A banana split and a vodka and coke 香蕉船、伏特加還有可樂

How do you like vodka ? b : i ' m afraid it ' s too strong for me 你喜歡伏特加嗎?耳對于我恐怕太烈了。

Hey slim , i drank a fifth of vodka , you dare me to drive 嘿渺茫,我喝了五分之一伏特加,你敢我駕駛

How ' s that vodka coming , tanya ? 伏特加怎么還沒拿來,坦尼亞?

If i had the equipment , i think i ' d inject the vodka 要是我有設備的話,我會把伏特加酒注射到身上

I think you ' re forgetting about the vodka 我覺得你忘了伏特加酒

Skyy vodka short film competition Skyy vodka醉藍都會短片創作大賽

Yes . vodka . i would iike some vodka 是的,伏特加。我想來點伏特加

Extension activities skyy vodka short film competiton 推廣活動> skyy vodka醉籃都會短片創作大賽

I never drank vodka before , and i was out of beads 我從來沒有喝過伏特加結果就一發不可收拾!

- vodka ? - you never tasted the stuff -伏特加酒? -你從未試過嗎

Why does vodka have a neutral flavor 伏特加為什么會有中性的味道?

L ' m gonna - l ' ll have another hit of that vodka 我要多一杯伏特加酒

I hear there ' s actually some punch in the vodka 我聽說有些伏特加酒

Well , she switched to vodka , for starters 她現在一上來就喝沃特加了

All right , now , take the pourer out of the vodka bottle 好了,現在現在把瓶塞從酒瓶上拿下來