
vod VOD = video-on-demand.

The appear of the vod technology enhances and improves people “ s life level and work efficiency 這一技術的出現,極大地提高和改善了人們的生活質量和工作效率。


You can pause , ff , rew and play when watching life tv , as freely as watching vod 用戶可以自主控制實時電視節目的快進、快退、暫停、播放,獲得如收看vod一般的自在感受。

So it has been focused in the fields of multimedia and network that making vod comes true 在各種寬帶網絡上實現視頻點播業務成為當前多媒體和網絡領域的一個研究熱點。

Free online courses , tutorials , study guides and lessons in 120 academic and vocational technical topic areas -以視頻點播vod方式提供精品講座人物訪談和名人演講

Thesleeping - button , infrared - inducting lights and vod are installed in the rooms . free internet in each room 專設樓層會議室,客房內特設行政辦公桌和高速寬頻介面。

In the first chapter , it addresses the general conception about vod and makes some comparisons and conclusions 本文第一章對視頻點播做了一般性概述、對比和總結。

Multimedia proxy server and its service strategy are the basis of the internet vod service 多媒體代理服務器及其相關策略是在internet上提供大規模vod服務的基礎。

The content in this paper can present the technology support for the relative study of the vod system 對于分布式視頻點播系統中相關問題的研究有較大的借鑒意義。

The appear of the vod technology enhances and improves people “ s life level and work efficiency 這一技術的出現,極大地提高和改善了人們的生活質量和工作效率。

This dissertation mainly expounds the key technologies in the vod system and the development process of it 本文闡述了視頻點播系統的關鍵技術和實踐開發過程。

Downloads , documentation , support , articles , for the popular range of internet media products -提供vod電腦點歌系統介紹,以及相關點歌軟件下載,相關技術支持。

Thus a new style of video service , called video on - demand ( vod ) , arises according to these demands 視頻點播( videoondemand ) ,即按照用戶的需求播放視頻。

This vod system facilitate above works to accomplish . obviously this system is utilitarian 本系統有助于以上各項工作的開展,其實用性十分突出。

Video - on - demand ( vod ) will be one of the most perspective businesses in broadband network 視頻點播( vod )業務是未來寬帶網中最有前途的業務之一。

From september 21 , 2005 , hotel will the first of the vod video film to request freely 2005年9月21日起,全省酒店首家推出客房vod視頻影片免費點播!

The system compares favorably with the same kind product of country in function 系統在性能上能與國內同類產品如曼德科技公司的vod產品相媲美。

Providing vls - vod service in the internet is another important research topic 在internet上提供vod服務是超大規模vod研究的一個重要方向。

Finally , provides a kind of video platform scheme for vod based ip and test it 最后,給出了一種基于ipvod系統的視頻平臺并進行了測試。

Video - on - demand ( vod ) is a typical model application according to the breadth 視頻點播(英文縮寫vod )便是基于寬帶網的典型應用。