
vociferate vt.(大聲)叫喊著說。 He vociferated ...

Paul vociferated , “ get out ! 保羅大聲叫喊, “滾出去! ”

“ what ' s your blackmail for this ? “ vociferated harran “這一下你要勒索多少? ”哈倫大聲叫道。

“well, why in hell did you let them go?“ vociferated annixter . 哼,真他媽的,你干嗎放他們走呢?”安尼克斯特大叫大嚷地說。

“what's your blackmail for this?“ vociferated harran . “這一下你要勒索多少?”哈倫大聲叫道。


I did , though ! i vociferated curses enough to annihilate any fiend in christendom ; and i got a store and thrust it between his jaws , and tried with all my might to cram it down his throat 可我喊啦,發出一頓足以滅絕基督王國里任何惡魔的咒罵,我撿到一塊石頭塞到它的嘴里,而且盡我所有的力量想把這石頭塞進它的喉嚨。

He replied audibly enough , in a fashion which made my companion vociferate , more clamorously than before , that a wide distinction might be drawn between saints like himself and sinners like his master 他回答得有氣無力,使我的同伴比剛才喊得更熱鬧,好像要把像他自己這樣的圣人和像他主人這樣的罪人劃清界限似的。

I don t know , returned the man , clapping his hands to his mouth nevertheless , and vociferating in a surprising heat and with the greatest ardour , spies “我不知道, ”那人回答,卻對著嘴拍著掌,以驚人的熱力和最大的干勁大喊大叫, “密探!

He entered , vociferating oaths dreadful to hear ; and caught me in the act of stowing his son away in the kitchen cupboard 他進來了,叫喊著不堪入耳的咒罵的話,剛好看見我正把他的兒子往廚房碗櫥里藏。

Paul vociferated , “ get out ! 保羅大聲叫喊, “滾出去! ”

“ what ' s your blackmail for this ? “ vociferated harran “這一下你要勒索多少? ”哈倫大聲叫道。

“well, why in hell did you let them go?“ vociferated annixter . 哼,真他媽的,你干嗎放他們走呢?”安尼克斯特大叫大嚷地說。

I saw the ugly little landlord vociferating in his rooms . 我看見那又小又丑的猶太房東在他的房子里大發雷霆。

“what's your blackmail for this?“ vociferated harran . “這一下你要勒索多少?”哈倫大聲叫道。

He entered vociferating oaths dreadful to her . 他進來了,叫喊著不堪入耳的咒罵的話。