
voces n.vox 的復數。

If vox trigger is used , “ vox off tm “ is used to prevent one telephone conversation being separated into different files when there is silence in between a conversation . by setting this value from 1 . 0 sec to 9 . 5 sec , microlog will continue recording for this predefined duration when there is no voice detected 由于vox是根據線路上有無聲音信號來啟動或停止錄音, vox設定中的voxofftm項目,用來決定線路上沒信號后多少時間停止錄音,避免一通vox錄音被分割儲存成數個檔案。

Tonight another segment of “ vox populi . 今晚另一個環節是“人民的聲音”

Plus tonight , another segment of “ vox populi . 另外,今晚另一個環節是“人民的聲音”


If vox trigger is used , “ vox off tm “ is used to prevent one telephone conversation being separated into different files when there is silence in between a conversation . by setting this value from 1 . 0 sec to 9 . 5 sec , microlog will continue recording for this predefined duration when there is no voice detected 由于vox是根據線路上有無聲音信號來啟動或停止錄音, vox設定中的voxofftm項目,用來決定線路上沒信號后多少時間停止錄音,避免一通vox錄音被分割儲存成數個檔案。

Try to imagine , kangta , finkl , shinhwa , click - b , baby vox , ha ri - su , and many more are all in one single film ! if you are a k - pop fan , merely the cast list is already the biggest allurement for you to get the film 這絕不是容易的事,例如在香港要拍這樣的電影,單是遷就各歌手的工作日程表和度期便是令人頭痛的問題,以往同類的電影頂多只有為賑災籌款的《豪門夜宴》 。

As a result , signals leak across conventional hybrids at all other frequencies causing oscillation in full duplex systems and unreliable vox ( voice operated xmit ) operation in half - duplex systems 因此,在所有不同頻率上信號通過傳統的混合線路,信號泄漏會在全雙工系統和不可靠的vox (話音控制發射)在半雙工系統中的操作中產生震蕩。

04 vox pop four ( german ) hello ! welcome to munich . munich has a population of 1 . 3 million . it is the third largest city in the german federal republic after berlin and hamburg 大家好,歡迎來到慕尼黑。慕尼黑擁有130萬人口,是繼柏林、漢堡之后的德國第三大城市。

Vox pop : we saw before in perth that they had the kangaroos and i think in adelaide they have the pigs , so we thought this is the symbol of canberra , no is it 哇克斯波特:在佩斯城市人們喜歡袋鼠,在阿德萊德人們喜歡豬,我想在這個堪培拉城市人們喜歡綿羊。

49 vox pop ( german ) you get the opportunity to learn the czech language , not just german and english , and when you go on holiday , you can speak with czech people 在這兒,你有機會學習捷克語,而不僅僅是德語和英語。放假時,你就可以和捷克人聊天了。

17 vox pop seven ( german ) this is olympic park built for the 1972 munich olympics . world cup fans can meet here to watch matches at the fanzone 這是為1972年慕尼黑奧運會修建的奧林匹克公園。球迷們可以在這里觀看比賽。

35 vox pop five ( german ) the “ ” is a local munich delicacy . the white sausage is traditionally eaten in the morning . it ' s delicious 當地的特色小吃是這種小牛肉香腸,人們有在早晨吃這種白色的小香腸的傳統。味道很香!

19 sot : vox pop ( french ) he is very quick ; he ' s got a goal - scorer ’ s instinct . he ' s our biggest asset against spain 他的速度很快,他對進球有天生的嗅覺和洞察力,他是我們對付西班牙的最致命的武器。

41 sot : vox pop ( spanish ) i like this style for example . it ' s very good because it shows how people are united by football 我非常喜歡這種形式,因為它可以表現出人們是如何由足球團結到一起的。

40 sot : vox pop i believe that japan will beat brazil 4 : 0 ! . . . 4 : 0 ! takahara , takahara , yanagisawa and nakata will score ! 我相信日本會4 : 0戰勝巴西, ?原直泰,柳?敦,中田英壽,加油,進球!

36 vox pop two ( german ) germans eat more bread than any other nation in the world . eighty - five kilos per person , per year 德國人是世界上吃面包最多的。每人每年要吃掉85公斤的面包。

28 vox pop 2 ( dutch ) what ' s obvious is the mix of old and new arcitecture which is very interesting for us to see 這里的建筑融合了古代和現在的風格,令人難以忘懷。

00 vox pop six ( german ) hofbrau beer is the best in munich . germans drink 0 . 3 litres of beer every day 慕尼黑最好的啤酒是宮廷啤酒。德國人每天要喝掉0 . 3升的啤酒。

52 vox pop three ( english ) munich was founded in 1158 and takes its name from a settlement of 慕尼黑建立于1158年,她的名字則源于一名定居于此的本篤會僧人。

Graphic technology . pictorial collection of typefaces . classification of families from maximilien vox 印刷工藝.字體插圖術語. maximilienvox族分類法