
vocation n.1.天命;天職,使命。2.(對于某種職業的)適合性,...

“ you could have missed your vocation in life 如果以后你想干點別的,我樂意幫忙。 ”


The vocation self - discipline and the generation of the library law 行業自律與圖書館法之生成

The vocation of teacher in the progress of european integration 歐洲一體化進程中的教師職業

Remember big party freshman year week for course vocation 記得大型新生聚會沒課的那一周?

7 . the vocation and continuous formation for diocesan priests 教區司鐸的圣召栽培及延續培育

The school summer vocation comes between july and september 學校的暑假是在7月和9月之間。

Make authorship your avocation , not your vocation 把寫作當作你的副業,不要把它當作正業。

The students could access to the library during the vocation 放假期間學生可以進入圖書館

National travel vocation distract yalongwan sanya distract hainan 海南省三亞市海坡渡假區

Grant us an abundance of religious vocations 求你給予我們豐富的圣召。

Office - in - charge construction vocation training wing 職業建筑培訓組組長

Ah well , when it was a question of vocation 可是,如果是上天召喚她,那又有什么辦法呢!

He was equipped with knowledge for the vocation 他具有這項職業的學識。

He will reward us with many vocations for our diocese 天主一定會報答我們,給我們圣召。

The research on middle school and secondary vocation 中學與中職的比較研究

Journal of hebei energy institute of vocation and technology 河北能源職業技術學院學報

Journal of liaoning agricultural vocation - technical college 遼寧農業職業技術學院學報

Do you think that literature is not at all my vocation ? 你認為我不能從事文學么? ”

God has blessed our society with many vocations 上帝在許多行業都給我們的社會祝福。