
vocalize vt.1.發為聲,清晰的發音;使成有聲音,有聲化。2.在...


The proposed method in this paper raised a way of relatively high performance recognition of pitman shorthand vocalized outline . the approach includes : a ) segmentation of the vocalized outlines , including correction of the over segmentation based on neural networks . b ) feature extraction and recognition of pitman shorthand consonant signs using neural networks 在解決這些問題的基礎上,完成了本文,主要內容有: ( 1 )速記手寫體的預處理; ( 2 )輔音多音節音素符筆劃的二次分割法,以及基于神經網絡的對過分割的檢測和糾正; ( 3 )基于神經網絡的pitman速記輔音符號的識別; ( 4 )基于單個符號識別結果的整體單詞識別。

The practice was extremely loud and intense . you heard the skreetch of the sneakers , the players loudly communicating and van gundy vocalizing exactly what he wanted to see happen 訓練聲非常響亮而尖銳。你會聽到運動鞋摩擦地板時刺耳的聲音,球員大聲喊話和范甘迪大聲的指導聲。

While 58 of the 100 people tested accurately wrote down the emotional words when spoken into their right ears , that number jumped to 70 when vocalized into their left 用右耳進行測試的人員對情話的準確記憶是58 % ,而用左耳進行測試的人員對情話的準確記憶則達到了70 % 。

Unlike many songbirds , both male and female cardinals sing , and the female often vocalizes with song from her nest 雌雄北美紅雀的鳴叫不同于其他大多數鳴禽,且雌性常常在她的巢里鳴叫。

You ready ? - woman vocalizing 你準備好了嗎?

To vocalize to find out more 表達能力來深入研究

To vocalize in that state to our advantage 來幫助我們研究

You can tell me . you don ' t even have to vocalize it 你可以告訴我你不一定要說出來