
vocalization n.1.發聲;有聲化;發聲法。2.【音樂】練唱,練聲〔特...

“ it soon became apparent that these vocalizations were not random twitterings but songs , “ said researcher timothy holy . “ there was a pattern to them . they sounded a lot like bird songs . “很快,我們就知道這些發聲法不是雜亂無章的喋喋不休,而是歌聲。它們有固定的形式,聽上去更像鳥兒的歌聲, ”研究者蒂莫西?霍利說。

“ further research about infant vocalizations could reveal that babbling is a much more widespread phenomenon in mammals than was previously thought . 對于幼仔發聲的更多研究可能揭示出哺乳動物牙牙學語要比以往我們所認為的廣泛很多。

“ it soon became apparent that these vocalizations were not random twitterings but songs , “ said researcher timothy holy “很快,我們就知道這些發聲法不是雜亂無章的喋喋不休,而是歌聲。


The calls of non - passerine are some kinds of monotonous dull vocalizations with the characteristics of low and deep frequency , single syllable , low basic frequency and with no ability of modulation in frequency and amplitude . most of the calls are monotonous and low quality mainly based on the basic song . compare the vocal of sub - oscine passerine with non - passerine , they have some similar aspects , but the former possesses of stronger capability of vocal control 非鳴禽的叫聲低沉而單調,音節種類單一,基本音頻率低,缺乏頻率調制以及幅度調制的能力,叫聲的品質因數很低,不悅耳,大多為以基本音為主的單音調低音品叫聲,亞鳴禽的叫聲與非鳴禽近似,但在控聲能力方面又有所提高。

In the sonograms of psittacula agapornis after the section of right side nxiits the ascending parts of the tone disappeared . this causes their vocalizations became the descendent - call . and in the sonograms with the left side nxiits sectioned , the harmonic parts above the basic song were weaken or disappeared 牡丹鸚鵡在斷右側nxllts后其聲圖中音調上升支消失,因而其叫聲變為以降音調為主的降調叫聲;在斷左側nxllts后的聲圖中,其基本音以上的諧波成分減弱或消失而在斷雙側神經后其聲圖表現為一系列具有較低基頻的寬帶諧波譜。

The results were as follow : in the process of its male organ development , these are many abnormalities , such as : premature tapetal degradation , giant tapetal cells , the great vocalization of the tapetal cells and inadaptable function of callose enzyme , which lead abnormal and premature degradation microspores and male gametophytes 實驗結果表明: 1猬實的雄性生殖器官在發育過程中,出現絨氈層細胞的液泡化、肥大、提前降解及不適時釋放胼胝質酶等異常現象,造成猬實花粉發育過程中出現畸形、解體。

What s more , you can even get into the role of a cantonese opera artist by donning costumes , learning the make - up styles of various characters with different personalities and trying your hand at operatic songs using the different vocalizations of individual characters all with the guidance of the instructor 接著粵劇文物館導賞之后,參加者可進一步認識粵劇服飾和唱腔等引人入勝之處,他們可以試穿各類戲服,一嘗粵劇紅伶的滋味或可引吭高歌,唱出不同腳色的腔調。

Psittacula agapornis ) , oscine passenon ( emberiza rutila ) and the vocalizations of sub - oscine passerine ( melopsittacus undulates , psittacula agapornis ) after sectioning nxiits were recorded by sharp gf - 6060 recorder . cooledit2000 , an acoustic analyzing software , was used to produce the original wave and it ' s expanded time windows , sonograms , spectrums and power static histograms . to distinguish the acoustic differences of their natural vocal and to find the changes of sub - oscine passerine ' s song after sectioning nxiits , the above results is acoustically analyzed and compared , expecting to provide some advantage to further explaining the mechanism of vocal production 本實驗以非鳴禽(家鴿、家雞) ,亞鳴禽(虎皮鸚鵡、牡丹鸚鵡)以及鳴禽(栗? )為實驗材料,記錄其正常叫聲以及亞鳴禽斷nxiits后的叫聲,用cooledit2000聲音處理軟件制出原始信號及其展開圖,聲圖,頻率譜圖以及能量統計分布圖,并對所得結果進行聲學比較分析,以期得到鳴禽、亞鳴禽及非鳴禽叫聲在聲學特性上的差異,以及亞鳴禽在斷神經后叫聲的聲學變化,旨在為進一步解釋其發聲機制提供幫助。

The present paper , starting with the reality of vocalization teaching and training , offers in - depth , detailed and comprehensive analyses of some commonly - used vocalization terms , so as to facilitate a better understanding of their connotations and a more scientific and normative way of vocalization teaching and training 為此,本文從聲樂教學與訓練的實際出發,對部分常用聲樂術語進行了較為深入、細致、全面的分析說明,進一步理解認識其真正內涵,以使聲樂教學與訓練更為規范化、科學化。

Professionally equipped with rooms for vocalization and dancing , performance hall , recording rooms and medium - sized professional recording studios , it is a first - classed one across the country with a strong team of professional recording engineers , lighting engineers and sound engineers 校內設有若干練聲房、舞蹈教室、演播廳、錄音教室以及中型專業錄音棚,均是一流專業設備,并配有專業錄音師、燈光師、音響師,其規模在國內各同等院校中均屬頂級。

As mothers increasingly relied on vocalization to control the emotions of their babies ? and , later , the actions of their mobile juveniles ? words precipitated out of the babble and became conventionalized across hominid communities , ultimately giving rise to language 等到媽媽越來越依賴聲音控制嬰兒的情緒,連好動的青少年都以這種方式控制,語詞就從滴里嘟嚕的兒語中凝結出來,成為社群里約定俗成的話,促成語言演化。

The cantonese opera heritage hall showcases artefacts from cantonese opera in its reconstructed theatre and backstage area , offering a wonderful insight into the performing art form of the region . the workshop will enhance your understanding of cantonese opera costumes , make - up and vocalization 導賞員與參加者一起穿梭在粵劇文物館內仿建的戲棚和后臺間,欣賞紅伶老官珍貴的粵劇文物,及認識粵劇表演藝術的精彩內涵。

Monkeys lack this left lateral language area : their vocalizations ( and simple emotional utterances in humans ) employ a more primitive language area near the corpus callosum , the band of fibers connecting the cerebral hemispheres 猴子缺乏這個左側語言區, ?們的發聲和人類的簡單情緒表達聲一樣,是利用位于胼胝體(連接左右腦半球的神經束)附近、一個較原始的語言區。

“ it soon became apparent that these vocalizations were not random twitterings but songs , “ said researcher timothy holy . “ there was a pattern to them . they sounded a lot like bird songs . “很快,我們就知道這些發聲法不是雜亂無章的喋喋不休,而是歌聲。它們有固定的形式,聽上去更像鳥兒的歌聲, ”研究者蒂莫西?霍利說。

Initially , people only expected master s impromptu singing to be a relaxing interlude during the performance . however , her vocalization was so fantastic and amazing that it led the performance to an indescribable climax 一場未經彩排的現場演出,原本只想來一點輕松的插曲, soft一下的,卻帶來驚人scary的高潮。

Vocalization terms are special expressions summarized from the description of the vocalization process in people ' s long - lime practice of and scientific research on vocalization 摘要聲樂術語是人們通過長期的聲樂實踐和科學研究,從發聲運動的全過程中總結概括出來的一種特殊用語。

At the beginning , they observed the course of therapy , assisted me in handling him when necessary and helped me to understand his vocalizations and behaviors 剛開始時,他們對治療過程進行觀察,必要時協助我對馬克進行治療并幫助我理解他的發聲方法和行為。

“ further research about infant vocalizations could reveal that babbling is a much more widespread phenomenon in mammals than was previously thought . 對于幼仔發聲的更多研究可能揭示出哺乳動物牙牙學語要比以往我們所認為的廣泛很多。

Miller villa face , as if she can feel the air devil vocalization , and all gave her an ominous sense of foreboding 面對米勒山莊,她仿佛能感覺到空氣中魔鬼的嘶叫,一切都給她不祥的的預感。