
vocalist n.【音樂】聲樂家,歌唱家[者]。

From the left : vocalist matt jardine beach boys family friends , composer conductor bill conti , vocalist carnie wilson , poet supreme master ching hai , movie star debbie reynolds . the musical gala “ one world . . 左起:歌者麥特佳丁海灘男孩家族朋友合唱團作曲家比爾康迪歌者康妮威爾孫,詩人清海無上師電影演員黛比雷諾。

Nowegian pop vocalist sissel released the album all good things in 2002 . the disc contains the songs “ weightless , “ “ all good things , “ “ one day , “ and others 挪威著名的女歌手,于1969年出生于挪威, 4歲時就參加兒童合唱團,并開始在挪威電視臺多次露面。她從16歲出第一張唱片,以其空靈清澈的音色踏入歌壇超過10年。

In 1995 , emily and martie successfully recruited maines to become lead vocalist for the dixie chicks 1995年,埃米莉和瑪蒂成功接納梅因斯作為主唱歌手加入了“南方少女“ 。


And george strait and brad paisley lead this year ' s cma ( the country music association ) nominations with five apiece , bluegrass star alison received four nominations including female vocalist of the year (喬治和布萊德各以五項提名領先于今年的鄉村音樂協會獎,藍草流派歌星愛麗絲得到了(如果用“則獲得”是不是會好些? )包括年度最佳女歌手在內的四項提名。 )

The young men , therefore , had reason to consider themselves fortunate in having the opportunity of hearing one of the best works by the composer of lucia di lammermoor , supported by three of the most renowned vocalists of italy 這兩個青年應該為自己慶幸,竟能有機會聽到由三個意大利最負盛名的歌唱家來演出拉莫摩爾的未婚妻的劇作者的這部杰作。

And george strait and brad paisley lead this year ' s cma ( the country music association ) nominations with five apiece , bluegrass star alison received four nominations including female vocalist of the year (喬治和布萊德各以五項提名領先于今年的鄉村音樂協會獎,藍草流派歌星愛麗絲得到了包括年度最佳女歌手在內的四項提名。 )

Leading by director dantsen gongpu , the troupe boasts of certain number of choreographers , composers , conductors , vocalists and musicians who are represented by the famous vocalist tsedan drolma 共有演職人員180名,現任團長為丹增貢布,及有以著名歌唱家才旦卓瑪為代表的幾十位優秀編導家,作曲家、指揮家、歌唱家及演奏家。

From the left : vocalist matt jardine beach boys family friends , composer conductor bill conti , vocalist carnie wilson , poet supreme master ching hai , movie star debbie reynolds . the musical gala “ one world . . 左起:歌者麥特佳丁海灘男孩家族朋友合唱團作曲家比爾康迪歌者康妮威爾孫,詩人清海無上師電影演員黛比雷諾。

And george strait and brad paisley lead this year ' s cma nominations with five apiece . bluegrass star alison krauss received four nominations including female vocalist of the year 喬治斯特雷特和布拉德佩斯雷分別獲得本年度鄉村音樂協會大獎五項提名,位列榜首。藍草歌星阿里森克羅斯則獲得了包括最佳女歌手在內的四項提名。

And george strait and brad paisley lead this year ' s cma nominations with five apiece . bluegrass star alison krauss received four nominations including female vocalist of the year 喬治?史瑞與拉德?派斯雷各自以五項提名居鄉村音樂協會大獎之首。蘭草音樂巨星艾莉森?克羅絲獲得了包括本年度最受歡迎女歌手在內的四項提名。

Nowegian pop vocalist sissel released the album all good things in 2002 . the disc contains the songs “ weightless , “ “ all good things , “ “ one day , “ and others 挪威著名的女歌手,于1969年出生于挪威, 4歲時就參加兒童合唱團,并開始在挪威電視臺多次露面。她從16歲出第一張唱片,以其空靈清澈的音色踏入歌壇超過10年。

And george strait and brad paisley lead this year ' s cma nominations with five apiece . bluegrass star alison krauss received four nominations including female vocalist of the year 喬治?斯特雷特和布拉德?帕斯利今年分別獲得五項鄉村音樂協會獎的提名。蘭草明星阿麗森?克勞斯獲得了包括今年女歌手提名的四項提名。

And george strait and brad paisley lead this year ' s cma nominations with five apiece . bluegrass star alison krauss received four nominations including female vocalist of the year 喬治?斯特雷特和布萊德?普斯立分別以五票領先于鄉村音樂協會大獎提名。藍草歌星艾莉森.克羅絲獲得包括最佳女歌手內的四項提名。

I heard a total of horse four vocalists , each mouse moved to the horse who can control its start stop singing , tried a few more times , combined to make your mind beautiful melody it 自己聽馬兒歌唱家總共四位,將鼠標移動到每匹馬兒身上就能控制它開始停止唱歌,多試幾次,組合出你心目中美妙的旋律吧。

Soul is differentiated from rhythm and blues by its use of gospel - music devices , its greater emphasis on vocalists , and its combination of religious and nonreligious themes 因為使用了教堂音樂的模式,所以靈魂音樂和藍調是不同的,靈魂音樂更強調歌手的唱功,更偏愛以結合宗教和非宗教的內容為主題。

The boy band consists of three members : vocalist rex yu , guitarist li junjun , and drummer zhong xun . they ' re experimenting by absorbing all kinds of musical genres in their rock 這支男生樂隊由3個成員組成:主唱俞思遠,吉他李君軍,鼓手鐘遜。他們在自己的搖滾樂里嘗試了所有種類的音樂元素。

Over the course of this global odyssey , warwick signed with concord and came up with the idea of the duets album featuring contemporary female vocalists and began reaching out to potential collaborators 在全世界演出的旅程中,她與交響樂隊一起演出,與當代女歌手合作,與她們一起慶祝。

And then , we have a female vocalist to accompany the folk rock group , and also three actors who will do recitation of poetry as well . so , this will be a big job to coordinate 同時有一位女歌手搭配民俗搖滾樂隊表演,另外還有三位演員吟誦詩詞,所以協調將是一件相當重要的工作。

But that is where the similarities end . krall and ishihara are two different vocalists , whether in terms of musical taste , artistic direction , interpretation or vocal style 不過二人只是形似,論及音樂風格、方向以至演繹手法、唱腔都迥然不同,根本不應在比較的范圍之內。