
vocalism n.1.發聲;母音發音;母音系統。2.【音樂】聲樂(技巧...


His superb highclass vocalism , which by its superquality greatly enchanced his already international reputation , was vociferously applauded by the large audience amongst which were to be noticed many prominent members of the clergy as well as representatives of the press and the bar and the other learned professions 他那卓越高超的嗓音,以其不同凡響的音色大大提高了本來已飲譽全球的聲望。會眾報以熱烈的掌聲。聽眾當中可以看到許多杰出的神職人員和新聞界律師界以及學術文化界人士。

Students will learn designedly , purposefully and systematically the american and european pop vocalization through courses of vocalism , dance , percussion instrument , sign - singing and ear - training , recording , performance , band interpretation and music enjoying and music analysis 學生在校通過系統的聲樂課、舞蹈課、打擊樂課、視唱練耳課、錄音課、表演課、樂隊課以及音樂賞析課進行有計劃、有規模、有目的的系統歐美流行音樂唱法培訓。

Today , we are happy to share with you in the background music our corporate song together with the five late singers signature songs . let s enjoy ourselves in the wonderful trip down memory lane of their dazzling vocalism and disarming stage presence 另一方面,在重溫五位歌手的金曲之馀,亦希望能夠勾起大家一些回憶,讓我們一同緬懷他們昔日在舞臺上的光輝。

Feeling expression in the teaching of vocalism 聲樂教學中演唱的情感表達探析