
vmd VMD, V.M.D.= 〔拉丁語〕 Veterinar...


On the basis of above theoretical derivation and analysis on experimental results , by correlating solvent ( water ) transfer with solute ( salt ) transfer on hot side and correlating mass transfer with heat transfer during vmd and introducing a contribution coefficient which can reflect the characteristics of mass transfer through membrane , a new model of mixed flow is presented 在上述理論推導及實驗分析的基礎上,本文將熱側溶劑傳輸與溶質傳輸、膜蒸餾過程熱量傳輸與質量傳輸相關聯,并引入一個能夠反映膜內質量傳輸特征的“貢獻系數” ,將努森流模型與粘性流模型結合起來,從而提出了新的混合流模型。

In this paper , an experimental investigation of the removal of volatile organic compounds ( voc ) from dilute aqueous solutions was presented by vacuum membrane distillation ( vmd ) . experiments were carried out using aqueous mixtures of ethanol with hollow fiber module . the influences of operating variables such as feed concentration , flow rate , temperature and downstream pressure on the flux and separation factor were investigated 本文對膜蒸餾脫除水溶液中的揮發性有機化合物( voc )進行了試驗研究;文中以乙醇水溶液為研究對象,采用真空膜蒸餾法,膜材料為中空纖維膜,研究膜通量及分離因子與原料液的溫度、濃度、流速,冷側壓力的關系,并對真空膜蒸餾的傳熱傳質機理進行了初步探討。

Results of vmd experiments indicate that flux increases when feed temperature , feed rate and vacuum degree increase . but the increase of flux becomes slowly when feed rate reaches 60l . h - 1 ; flux increases with pore size rapidly , but rejection approaches zero when pore size reaches 0 . 5m 實驗表明,隨進料溫度、進料流速、冷側真空度的增大,膜通量增大;但進料流速增大到60l . h - 1之后,通量隨進料流速的增長變緩;膜通量隨孔徑較快地增大,但當膜平均孔徑達到0 . 5m時,截留率迅速降低,已無實際意義。

The results indicate that the dominant resistance during membrane process comes mainly from evaporation of water on hot side and mass transfer through membrane , and that mass transfer and heat transfers during vmd process are interdependent and interactive ; the results also indicate that the phenomenon of temperature polarization and concentration polarization is inevitable during vmd process 實驗結果的分析表明:在vmd過程中,其過程主要阻力來自于熱側汽化和膜內的質量傳輸;熱量傳輸與質量傳輸是相互影響、相互制約的;其過程中的濃度極化和溫度極化現象是膜蒸餾過程進行時的必然現象。

The simulation result shows that temperature drops more slowly when the flow rate is higher , which demonstrates the flow rate influences the flux by influencing the temperature distribution - the vmd experiments were carried out using aqueous binary mixtures of ethanol 對中空纖維管內原料液的溫度分布進行了數值模擬,表明在層流狀態下,大流量的溫度降幅度較小,流速是通過影響溫度分布來影響通量的。

University of illinois - theoretical and computational biophysics group - vmd is a molecular visualization program for displaying , animating , and analyzing large biomolecular systems using 3 - d graphics and built - in scripting 伊利諾州立大學?理論和計算生物物理實驗室- vmd是以3 - d圖形和內建描述語法,作為顯示、模仿和分析大生物分子系統的分子視覺程式。

University of illinois - theoretical and computational biophysics group - vmd is a molecular visualization program for displaying , animating , and analyzing large biomolecular systems using 3 - d graphics and built - in scripting 伊利諾州立大學?理論和計算生物物理小組- vmd是以3 - d圖形和內建描述語言,作為顯示、模仿和分析大生物分子系統的分子顯示程序。

Knudsen diffusion model and the mixed flow model were solved numerically for the ethanol - water system . good agreement between experimental and theoretical values was found . but the mixed flow model is better 乙醇水溶液的vmd試驗表明,兩種組分同時通過膜微孔時, knudsen擴散模型和過渡流模型都基本能反映實際過程,但過渡流模型更接近實際情況。

Vacuum membrane distillation ( vmd ) which possesses of vacuum pump to provide enhanced drive force and air gap similar to air gap membrane distillation is a kind of separation technology of membrane distillation 真空膜蒸餾( vmd )技術是膜蒸餾技術的一種,其研究主要集中于工藝過程及其影響因素、過程機理及過程應用三大方面。

Finally , by studying the heat transfer coefficient and the mechanism of mass transfer through the membrane pores , a complete mathematical model was proposed for the removal of voc from dilute aqueous solutions by vmd 根據對傳熱系數和膜孔內傳質機理的研究,最后得到了真空膜蒸餾脫除水溶液中voc全過程的數學模型。

Ethanol separation factor of 6 . 0 was achieved by vmd , which demonstrates that vmd is a promising separation technology . the mechanism of heat and mass transfer for vmd was also investigated 當用真空膜蒸餾脫除水溶液中的乙醇時,分離因子可達到6 . 0以上,說明真空膜蒸餾技術脫除水溶液中的voc效果較好。

A brief introduction of vmd process is presented . mass and heat transfer behavior through hot side , membrane as well as cold side during vmd process is analyzed and derived 本文在評述真空膜蒸餾技術研究現狀的基礎上,對膜蒸餾過程熱側、膜內及冷側的質量傳輸和熱量傳輸行為進行了深入的分析與推導。

The heat transfer coefficient within the hollow fiber module was studied by the vmd experiments using pure water 文中還對真空膜蒸餾脫除水溶液中voc的傳熱傳質機理進行了理論分析和試驗研究。

Air permeation experiment , vmd of distilled water and vmd of solution containing cr3 + are carried out 本文進行了氣體滲透實驗、蒸餾水的vmd實驗及含鉻水溶液的vmd實驗。

Separation of azo dye wastewater with vmd process 減壓膜蒸餾法分離偶氮染料廢水的研究