
vl VL = Vulgar Latin 通俗拉丁語。

Methods : a set of oligonucleotide primers were designed and used to amplify the vh and vl gene from anti - hbsag fab antibodies screened from phage antibody library . the products were cloned into puc19 vector and their sequences were analysed . the vh and vl gene fragments were tethered by a peptide linker and a leader sequence coding region , with the leader sequence added at 5 “ terminus of each gene ( l - vh - linker - vl ) and designated as l - scfv 方法以從噬菌體抗體庫中篩選獲得的抗hbsag的fab抗體基因為模板,分別擴增出其輕、重鏈可變區( v _ l 、 v _ h )基因,通過重組pcr方法將輕、重鏈可變區基因用連接肽( gly _ 4ser ) _ 3的編碼序列連接,并引入前導肽編碼序列,構建具有l - v _ h - linker - v _ l結構的單鏈抗體基因。


The thesis discussed the development status of remote virtual instrument in our country and others , the concept , characteristic and composing of remote virtual instrument . the thesis also expounded remote virtual instrument system in common use at present and made a all - sided comparison of them the virtual instrument system mainly involved pc bus acquisition system , gbip instrument control system and vxi instrument system the analysis and comparison of several vl ' s developing software technology and network computing modes were made 本論文系統地論述了國內外遠程虛擬儀器的發展現狀,遠程虛擬儀器系統的概念、特點、構成;還對目前較為常用的遠程虛擬儀器系統進行了詳細的論述,并且做了全面的比較,其中主要涉及到pc總線數據采集系統、 gpib儀器控制系統、 vxi儀器系統。

Remote virtual instrument technology and network technology are combined to form remote virtual instrument technology . the remote virtual instrument technology extended the vl ' s application area to whole internet / intranet and made the signal acquire , transfer and process become a whole unit . we can share many expensive hardware resource to make the best of existing laboratory resource and facilitate remote experiment instruction carry out to resolve the experiment instruction of remote education the marriage of vi technology and web technology , which is facing internet , produces newly vi technology - - - - - - the remote virtual instrument technology based on the web 遠程虛擬儀器技術是虛擬儀器技術與網絡技術的結合,將虛擬儀器的應用范圍拓展到整個internet intranet網上,使信號采集、傳輸和處理一體化;一方面可以使許多昂貴的硬件資源得以共享,充分利用現有的實驗室資源;另一方面還有利于遠程教育實驗教學的開展,從而解決遠程教育實驗教學難以解決的問題。

In the present study , the express library of monoclonal anti - sp18 scfv ( single chain fragment variable ) gene is constructed and selected for further study of sp18 antigen on mammalian fertilization and embryogenesis . total rna were firstly isolated from these growing hybridoma cells which secretes monoclonal anti - sp18 antibodies . after obtained using rpas system , vh and vl genes were used to assemble scfv gene fragment with a linker primer 應用重組噬菌體抗體庫技術,從分泌小鼠抗牛精子sp18抗體的雜交瘤細胞系中分離總rna ,克隆抗體重鏈和輕鏈可變區基因,加入連接肽引物( linkerprimer )組裝成單鏈抗體scfv ( singlechainfragmentvariable )基因并用rs引物進行擴增, sfi 、 not酶切,回收后與pcantab5e載體相連,轉化e . colitg1宿主菌,構建單鏈抗體文庫。

Methods : a set of oligonucleotide primers were designed and used to amplify the vh and vl gene from anti - hbsag fab antibodies screened from phage antibody library . the products were cloned into puc19 vector and their sequences were analysed . the vh and vl gene fragments were tethered by a peptide linker and a leader sequence coding region , with the leader sequence added at 5 “ terminus of each gene ( l - vh - linker - vl ) and designated as l - scfv 方法以從噬菌體抗體庫中篩選獲得的抗hbsag的fab抗體基因為模板,分別擴增出其輕、重鏈可變區( v _ l 、 v _ h )基因,通過重組pcr方法將輕、重鏈可變區基因用連接肽( gly _ 4ser ) _ 3的編碼序列連接,并引入前導肽編碼序列,構建具有l - v _ h - linker - v _ l結構的單鏈抗體基因。

The vl division works closely with livestock division and animal management division of inspection and quarantine branch and fisheries branch within afcd and conducts laboratory testing on behalf of the food and environmental hygiene department ( fehd ) , the leisure and cultural services department ( lcsd ) and the police department 獸醫化驗科和同屬農業、檢疫及檢驗分署的農業科、動物管理科與及漁業分署保持緊密合作,為食物環境衛生署、文化康體署及警務署提供各項所需測試。

Firstly , the technology background of the research and development of jms is introduced in this thesis . based on the specification of jms vl . 0 . 2 , we provide the model of the architecture of jms and explain the basic concepts of jms applications , administered objects , jms message model , messaging model and the standard jms interfaces 本文首先介紹了jms研發的技術背景,并在jms規范1 . 0 . 2版本的基礎上,給出了jms體系結構的模型,詳細闡述了jms應用組成、管理對象、 jms消息模型、消息傳送模式以及標準jms接口等基本概念。

However , compared the only children whose families have economic advantages , they show higher independency . 5 . compared the only children whose health is often poor , the only children who are always healthy have higher stability , higher perseverance , higher independency , higher self - discipline , but lower suspicion and tension . 6 . compared those of the only children from v - type or vl - type families , the stability , the socialization , the courage , the independency , the self - discipline of the only children from core families is higher , while compared those of the only children from mainstay families , they show higher strength , higher experimentation , higher independency , higher courage , higher self - discipline 5 、身體健康狀況一貫良好的獨生子女較身體狀況一貫較差、先差后好的獨生子女表現出較高的穩定性、有恒性、獨立性、自律性,較身體狀況一貫較差的獨生子女表現出較低的懷疑性、緊張性和較高的興奮性、敢為性。 6 、核心家庭的獨生子女較、型家庭的獨生子女表現出較高的穩定性、樂群性、敢為性、獨立性、自律性和較低的憂慮性、懷疑性、緊張性,較主干家庭的獨生子女表現出較高的恃強性、實驗性、獨立性、敢為性、自律性。

A prototype of the traffic advanced integration uniformed simulation platform is presented in the end . third , according to the problems in traffic software network design , one method is put forward that the urban traffic micro - network model database is based on gis . fourth , based on the development condition of onboard self - determination navigation system , the project of developing lower cost onboard unit is put forward 一vl一摘要3 )以車載自主導航系統的智能要素車載信息平臺為對象,對車載自主導航系統進行了描述,提出一個高處理能力、高集成性、低成本和低功耗的車載信息平臺?基于armlinux的嵌入式智能信息系統平臺,并已經初步完成了系統的軟硬件設計,其中完成的車載信息平臺電路板見附錄工。

It is emphatically detailed about how to design and develop a full - quadrilateral finite elements mesh generator ( graphfem vl . o ) in the third chapter , including the algorithms taken used of to improve the program function and raise the grid quality . in the end of this chapter some examples are included to illustrate the validity of the program 第二章重點說明了一個基于模板法的全四邊形有限元網格自動生成器( graphfemv1 . 0 )的研制細節,其中包括一些為改善程序性能、提高網格質量所采用的算法,本章末尾通過一些實例來說明了程序的有效性。

Some results are interesting , for example , in our calculation , there are no reconstruction in the cleaned pbte > pbse > pbs ( 001 ) surface . but there are different rumple occurs . unlike the iii - v and ii - vi semiconductors , there are no surface states in the fundamental gaps 在表面電子結構特征方面,與111一v族和n一vl族化合物不同,基本帶隙中不引入表面態,而在導帶頂和價帶底附近以及更深能級中出現表面態或表面共振態等。

Now snmp ( simple network management protocol ) is the industry standard of the network managements in practice . it has three versions : vl , v2c and v3 , most equipment is fitted with vl and v2c version agent 當前工業上事實的網絡管理標準是snmp ( simplenetworkmanagementportocol ) ,它共有snmp ( v1 2c 3 )三個版本,設備配備最多的還是v1和v2c版本的代理程序。

Nr vl etablerade av come point numret , stannar don t come satsningar tills lsta i vissa fall lngre n en rond , men olikt come satsningar kan de tas bort eller modifieras innan lsta . vinnande satsningar utbetalar 1 - till - 1 一旦come point建立,不要come bet賭注將維持直到解決因此也有可能在一回合后仍將延續,與come bets不同的是,他們在解決前可以移動或改變。

Vl : our biggest aim was - and is - to bring the best talents to the team as 2007 is the target where we want to be competitive and i am sure that at the end of this season it will already show 維坦托尼奧-里尤茲:我們最大的目標就是能夠把最棒的人才帶入車隊,因為我們想要在2007年具備競爭力,我肯定賽季末就能顯示出來了。

The veterinary laboratory ( vl ) division was established by the agriculture , fisheries and conservation department to aid diagnosis and monitoring of disease and chemical residues in animals , birds and fish in hong kong 獸醫化驗科是由漁農自然護理署設立,目的是診斷及監管香港動物、鳥類、魚類疾病及化學物殘馀。

The vibration propagation is prodigious influenced by geological condition and the depth of tunnel . at last , linear method is carried to study the attenuation empirical formal of vl 地質條件、隧道埋深對振動波的傳播影響較大,在離開隧道軸線一定距離存在一個振動放大區,在此區域內地面振動強度有所增大。

Nr ni vl satt ett coins bet nummer , kommer maskinen att anvnda detta vrde fr varje hand tills ni ndrar till ett nytt vrde 若您的機器硬幣面值設置為5 ,您一次玩5個硬幣,就是一手牌下注25 。

Vl vacuum limitter 真空限制器

Vesa expansion slot riser card adapters and extender cv08vrl costronic slot card for vl isa - bus 右插型slot x3 ;介面卡從右