
vizier n.(伊斯蘭教國家的)大臣。 the grand viz...

“ meanwhile , the president carelessly opened the letter which had been brought to him ; but the first lines aroused his attention ; he read them again and again , and fixing his eyes on m . de morcerf , count , said he , you have said that the vizier of yanina confided his wife and daughter to your care “這時,主席漫不經心地閱讀那封送來的信,開頭那幾行就引起了他的注意。他把那幾行讀了讀,然后眼睛盯住馬爾塞夫先生。伯爵閣下,他說,您說亞尼納總督曾把他的妻女托付給了你照顧?

“ she can declare to you , for example , that your father had no hand whatever in the defeat and death of the vizier ; or if by chance he had , indeed , the misfortune to “ - “比方說,她可以向你保證,說令尊對于總督的失敗和死亡毫無關系。或者,如果正巧他的確牽連到了里面,這件不幸的事情也”

“ then he will sell them to some eastern vizier , who will empty his coffers to purchase them , and refill them by applying the bastinado to his subjects . “那末他可以賣給一個東方的大君,那個大君用他所有的錢來把它們買去,然后再回去敲榨他的人民,重新裝滿他的錢箱。 ”

S . “ why do you remember when it forgets ? what are yanina and its vizier to you , edmond 美塞苔絲喊道, “當上帝已經忘記這一切,你為什么還記著呢?


“ meanwhile , the president carelessly opened the letter which had been brought to him ; but the first lines aroused his attention ; he read them again and again , and fixing his eyes on m . de morcerf , count , said he , you have said that the vizier of yanina confided his wife and daughter to your care “這時,主席漫不經心地閱讀那封送來的信,開頭那幾行就引起了他的注意。他把那幾行讀了讀,然后眼睛盯住馬爾塞夫先生。伯爵閣下,他說,您說亞尼納總督曾把他的妻女托付給了你照顧?

Albert had often heard - not from his father , for he never spoke on the subject , but from strangers - the description of the last moments of the vizier of yanina ; he had read different accounts of his death , but the story seemed to acquire fresh meaning from the voice and expression of the young girl , and her sympathetic accent and the melancholy expression of her countenance at once charmed and horrified him 至于他的死,他曾讀過幾篇不同的記載,而這位年輕女郎的聲音和表情賦予了這一段歷史以新的生命那種生動的語氣和抑郁的表情使他既感到可愛又感到可怕。

E , the acknowledged daughter of the late lord ali tepelini , pasha of yanina , and of vasiliki , his favorite ; she having been sold to me seven years previously , with her mother , who had died on arriving at constantinople , by a french colonel in the service of the vizier ali tepelini , named fernand mondego 她是七年以前和她的母親一起賣給我的,但她的母親在到達君士坦丁堡的時候即已去世。原售是一個代阿里鐵貝林總督手下服務的法國上校,名叫弗爾南多蒙臺哥。

We hereby nominate our faithful charger copula felix hereditary grand vizier and announce that we have this day repudiated our former spouse and have bestowed our royal hand upon the princess selene , the splendour of night 我特此任命忠實的戰馬“幸運的紐帶”為世襲首相218 ,并且宣布,今天就與前妻離婚,迎娶夜之光輝塞勒涅219公主為妻。

He produced documents proving that the vizier of yanina had up to the last moment honored him with his entire confidence , since he had interested him with a negotiation of life and death with the emperor 拿出文件證明亞尼納總督到最后一刻是對他全部信任的,因為他曾要派他去和土耳其皇帝作一次生死攸關的談判。

She was now one of a group of oriental beauties who , in the second act of the comic opera , were paraded by the vizier before the new potentate as the treasures of his harem 她這時在扮演一群東方美女中的一個。在這出喜歌劇的第二幕中,宮廷大臣讓這群美女列隊從新登基的國王面前走過,炫耀他的這群后宮寶貝。

Oh , how noble did the grand vizier my father look at that moment , in the midst of the flying bullets , his scimitar in his hand , and his face blackened with the powder of his enemies 噢,總督,我的父親,在那個時刻看上去是多么高貴呀,他手握彎刀,在彈雨中英勇砍殺,面孔讓他敵人的火藥熏得烏黑!

“ she can declare to you , for example , that your father had no hand whatever in the defeat and death of the vizier ; or if by chance he had , indeed , the misfortune to “ - “比方說,她可以向你保證,說令尊對于總督的失敗和死亡毫無關系。或者,如果正巧他的確牽連到了里面,這件不幸的事情也”

The castle which formed the protection of the town was given up to the turks by a french officer named fernand , in whom the grand vizier , ali tepelini , had reposed the greatest confidence . 防護本市的城堡,是被阿里鐵貝林總督非常信任的法國軍官弗爾南多出賣給土耳其人的。 ”

“ then he will sell them to some eastern vizier , who will empty his coffers to purchase them , and refill them by applying the bastinado to his subjects . “那末他可以賣給一個東方的大君,那個大君用他所有的錢來把它們買去,然后再回去敲榨他的人民,重新裝滿他的錢箱。 ”

Alas , no , monsieur , replied the count ; all those who surrounded the vizier , or who knew me at his court , are either dead or gone away , i know not where 不能,閣下,伯爵答道,總督周圍的人物,或是朝廷里認識我的人,不是過世就是走散了。

He grants a full pardon to the vizier ali , and not only gives him his life , but restores to him his fortune and his possessions 他完全赦免了阿里總督,不但饒了他的性命,而且還賜還了他的財產。

S . “ why do you remember when it forgets ? what are yanina and its vizier to you , edmond 美塞苔絲喊道, “當上帝已經忘記這一切,你為什么還記著呢?

Trying to inquire into the relationship between ancient egyptian pharaoh and vizier 試探討古代埃及法老與維西爾的關系