
vixen n.1.雌狐。2.潑婦,悍婦。


I think you are riding the tiger by going out with her . she ' s such an unpredictable and moody vixen 我覺得你和她交往簡直就像在騎只老虎,她是一個那麼難以預測脾氣不穩的潑婦

Begone , for god s sake , and hide your vixen face ! how foolish to reveal those talons to him “看在上帝的份上,滾吧,把你那潑婦的臉藏起來。

And little miss vixen 和vixen小姐間

When the vixens are ready to bear , we ' ll separate them to be with their litter 母狐貍要待產時我們會把公狐貍關到別處

The sires and the vixens 公狐貍和母狐貍

To win little miss vixen Vixen小姐可沒那么容易

Her character , little miss vixen , 她的角色vixen小姐

And little miss vixen , saved the day 今天才沒有出事

She has arrived , the cunning vixen 愚蠢的來了,刁婦!

With a little help from cosmo girl 在都市女孩和vixen小姐的幫助下

A probe in zhu xi and vixen - celestial ' s story 朱熹與狐仙怪異傳說探索

Knowing no vixen , walking lonely in the chase 他沒同母狐貍打過交道。孑然一身,被追逐著。

We think one of the vixens ate her litter 一只母狐貍吃了自己的寶寶

I love these little miss vixen sketches 我愛死這些miss vixen的畫像了

Most of our vixens are close to giving birth 大部份的母狐貍都即將生產

Effeminately ooh , miss vixen , i ' m scared of you Vixen小姐,你真讓我吃驚

The real little miss vixens of the world 這世上真正的little miss vixen們

She has arrived , the cunning vixen , to drop her daughter 她來了,刁婦放下了她的女兒

[ effeminately ] ooh , miss vixen , i ' m scared of you Vixen小姐,你真讓我吃驚