
vivify vt.(-fied)1.給與生氣;使活潑,使生動。2.使...

Therefore , to promote state - owned enterprises “ industrial reorganization in further step , and to combine it with enterprises “ reorganization , state - owned capital - reorganization and the micro reform of state - owned enterprises is a practical way of vivifying state - owned economy , optimizing industrial organization , and enhancing the competition ability of our country ' s enterprises and industry 當前,深入推進國有企業產業重組,并將它與企業重組、資產重組及企業微觀改革結合起來,乃是wto條件下搞活國有經濟、優化產業組織、提高我國產業競爭力的現實出路。國有企業產業重組是國有經濟改革中一個較為宏觀的問題。

Thirdly , after researching state - owned enterprises “ industrial distribution both in china and abroad , indicates the targets of state - owned enterprises “ industrial reorganization are to form reasonable scale and industrial distribution , to enhance the “ state - owned economy ' s dominant function , to vivify the industrial organization and to enhance the competition ability of industry 第三部分,國有企業產業重組的目標和重點。通過對市場經濟國家國有企業產業定位的分析,指出我國國有企業的產業定位與市場經濟國家具有一致性,提出國有企業產業重組的目標是形成國有經濟的合理規模和產業分布,增強國有經濟的主導作用,優化產業組織、提升產業競爭力。


In this thesis , some key issues of the vr technique are systematically investigated . firstly , for the image filters and image interpolation between slices , a integrated interpolation algorithm is presented based on the contour shape and correspondence matching , which keeps the shapes and grays information the objects of interest . secondly , the fidelity of effect of the vr for medical images is studied , and a continuous - gradient - based method for transparent volume rendering is proposed , which vivifies the results of volume rendering 首先,研究了醫學斷層圖像數據的濾波及層間插值技術,提出了一種基于輪廓形變和對應點匹配相結合的混合插值算法,在實現圖像層間插值的同時保持了目標的輪廓形狀與灰度信息;其次,對醫學影像容積重建效果的逼真度進行了研究,提出了一種基于連續梯度轉換函數的交互式透明體繪制方法,使重建效果更加生動、真實。

Therefore , to promote state - owned enterprises “ industrial reorganization in further step , and to combine it with enterprises “ reorganization , state - owned capital - reorganization and the micro reform of state - owned enterprises is a practical way of vivifying state - owned economy , optimizing industrial organization , and enhancing the competition ability of our country ' s enterprises and industry 當前,深入推進國有企業產業重組,并將它與企業重組、資產重組及企業微觀改革結合起來,乃是wto條件下搞活國有經濟、優化產業組織、提高我國產業競爭力的現實出路。國有企業產業重組是國有經濟改革中一個較為宏觀的問題。

Many mncs have even their own airboat advertising system ; some other companies would like to make advertise by hiring ; airboat advertise featuring good promotion effect , sound attractiveness , large area , vivified image , especailly when appearing in the endless sky , it can remind so much people feeling the interest ; the best result but the lowest cost make it more suitalbe for every enterprise ; it can used on many cases like ceremony , celebration , memory activity , amusment , lottery drawing and sports games , it is truly the best choice for a company to make a impressed product promotion 空中飛艇廣告具有宣傳性好,吸引度高,刺激力強,受眾面廣,渲染氣氛,視覺鮮明的特點,尤為重要的是在毫無視覺干擾的一望無際的天空中,它的突出性極度地增強了人們的好奇心與注意力,正是由于此種獨特的廣告傳播方式產生的明顯的廣告視覺效果,高強度的廣告效果更體現了較其他廣告形式的低成本價格,因此,擅于掌握商機的企業可將此種廣告方式作為重要選擇。

Thirdly , after researching state - owned enterprises “ industrial distribution both in china and abroad , indicates the targets of state - owned enterprises “ industrial reorganization are to form reasonable scale and industrial distribution , to enhance the “ state - owned economy ' s dominant function , to vivify the industrial organization and to enhance the competition ability of industry 第三部分,國有企業產業重組的目標和重點。通過對市場經濟國家國有企業產業定位的分析,指出我國國有企業的產業定位與市場經濟國家具有一致性,提出國有企業產業重組的目標是形成國有經濟的合理規模和產業分布,增強國有經濟的主導作用,優化產業組織、提升產業競爭力。

Throughout them all , giving up her individuality , she would become the general symbol at which the preacher and moralist might point , and in which they might vivify and embody their images of woman s frailty and sinful passion 她將在長年累月之中,放棄她的個性,面成為布道師和道學家指指點點的一般象征,借以形象具體地說明女性的脆弱與罪孽的情欲。

The seeds must be carefully chosen ; they must fall on good ground ; they must be sedulously tended , if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed 種子必須小心翼翼地選擇然后再種進沃土,還必須勤勉地加以精心呵護那么,需要的時候,生氣勃勃的精神果實才能順手拈來。

The seeds must by carefully chosen ; they must fall on good ground ; they must be sedulously tended , if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed 要想在需要的時候可隨手摘取充滿生機的果實,那就必然從選良種做起,然后將其植入肥沃的土地,還需要勤勉地護理。

The seeds must be carefully chosen ; they must fall on good ground ; they must be sedulously tended , if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed 如果在需要的時候,生氣勃勃的精神果實即能信手拈來,那么必須精選種子,并入之沃土,再加以精心的護理。

Philosophy , however enlightened , however profound , gives no command over the passions , no influential motives , no vivifying principles 哲學,無論多么富有啟迪和深奧莫測,都無法駕馭情感,不具備有影響力的動機,不具有導致生動活潑的原理。

In another style of book , the source code just lays there as a dead mass , with the prose vainly trying to vivify it 在另一類書中,源代碼象死去的東西一樣躺在那里,而文字敘述徒勞地試圖使它復活。

He looked at her pretty face and it vivified his mental resources 他看著她秀麗的臉蛋,思路變得活躍敏捷起來。

All the sweetness of life, all the great vivifying eternal force of humanity had burst into life within him . 人生的甜蜜,人類那最叫人振奮的,天長地久的力量,在他的身上一下子滋生了。