
vivid adj.1.活潑的,生氣橫溢的。2.(光、色)鮮明的,鮮...


For a vivid visual report on this event 歡迎到以下網址觀賞中秋佳節的精彩實況報導:

How to give an interesting and vivid lesson of pathology 講授一堂生動精彩的病理學課

Clare was the most vivid member of the family 克萊爾是家庭中最活躍的成員。

This girl gave a vivid description of the event 那女孩對這件事作了一番生動的描述。

He sketched the situation in a few vivid words 他用幾句生動的話概況了形勢。

Was very vivid . the dog trotted out to reconnoitre 他舉著手指,狗兒奔了出去個察。

My daughter is a child with vivid imagination 我女兒是一個想象力活躍的孩子。

Her vivid touch added salt to the story 她生動的筆觸給故事增添了刺激的要素。

This writer uses vivid descriptions in his writings 這位作者的作品描述非常生動。

The music is graceful and cheerful with a vivid cadence 樂曲輕盈歡快,節奏鮮明。

Import lens provide clear and vivid pictures 采用進口鏡片,影像清晰,色彩逼真。

The exaggerated folly of the threat, the passionate gesture that accompanied it, the mad melodramatic words made life seem more vivid to her . 這個恐嚇似乎傻得厲害,而且他在講的時候還伴以激烈的手勢,還有他這些瘋狂的聳人聽聞的話,這一切都使她感到生活比以往顯得更逼真了。

But the vivid image of granny's old, white, wrinkled, grim face, framed by a halo of tumbling black hair, lying upon a huge feather pillow, made me afraid . 可是姥姥那張蒼白、布滿了縐紋、死板板的臉,她那四周耷拉著的黑發,枕在一個絨芯大枕頭上的頭,那個活生生的形象使我一想就怕。

These tales of a freer life and of the sea-breezes come back amid the grey streets still peopled with the vivid characters of poor jack . 那些關于更自由的生活和海風的傳說,回到了仍然住滿了《窮漢杰克》中的栩栩如生的人物的那一條條灰色的街道上。

They are a beautiful and careful group, with one of whom the young american conducts an idyllic though not very vivid love affair . 那些人具有內在美,全都無憂無慮。那個美國青年還和其中一個發生了純樸的但非十分生動的愛情。

I used to divert them with vivid word pictures of the cursing family, their brooding silences, their indifference toward one another . 我常常活靈活現地給他們講這個互相辱罵的家庭,他們沮喪的沉默、他們彼此之間的漠不關心。

A vivid pictorial report followed by less exciting material allows the viewer to reflect on information that has just flashed by . 一項以畫面為主的生動報道繼之以不那么激動人心的材料能使觀眾回味一下剛才一閃而過的消息。

armin von roon's epilogue gives a vivid picture of the fhrer in action, especially as he was falling apart. 阿爾明馮隆的后記栩栩如生地描述了元首的活動,尤其是在他即將完蛋時的活動。

Time's victory over the wilderness makes a large and vivid theme, and there is still strength in gooper's writing . 時間戰勝荒原,是個廣闊生動的主題,在庫珀的作品里還寫得很有氣勢。