
vivacity n.活潑;快活;愉快。

She said to a girl almost at tom s elbow - with sham vivacity : “ why , mary austin 她裝著滿不在乎的樣子對離湯姆十分近的那個女孩說: “喲,是瑪麗奧斯汀呀!

“ he isn ' t preaching , at any rate , “ said daisy with vivacity “他至少不在布道, ”戴西激動地說。

“he isn't preaching, at any rate,“ said daisy with vivacity . “他至少不在布道,”戴西激動地說。


In this self - complacent conviction she departed ; and the success of her fulfilled resolution was obvious on the morrow : mr linton had not only abjured his peevishness though his spirits seemed still subdued by catherine s exuberance of vivacity , but he ventured no objection to her taking isabella with her to wuthering heights in the afternoon ; and she rewarded him with such a summer of sweetness and affection in return , as made the house a paradise for several days ; both master and servants profiting from the perpetual sunshine 她就懷著這樣自我陶醉的信心走了,第二天她顯然已成功地實現了自己的決心。林敦先生不僅不再抱怨雖然他的情緒看來仍然被凱瑟琳的旺盛的歡樂所壓倒,而且居然不反對她帶著伊莎貝拉下午一起去呼嘯山莊。她用這么大量的甜言蜜語來報答他,使全家有好幾天像天堂一樣,不論主仆都從這無窮的陽光中獲益不淺。

With the development of elementary education reform , the teaching patterns in middle school class have been changing continuously . among them , exploratory teaching pattern bases on persons and promotes an all - round development for students in liveliness , vivacity and initiative 隨著基礎教育改革的深入,中學課堂教學模式在不斷變更與發展,其中,探究式課堂教學模式是在以人為本,促進學生生動、活潑、主動、全面發展教育理念下的一種教學模式。

He was a most lovely child , with large blue eyes , of that deep color that harmonizes so well with the blond complexion ; only his hair , which was too light , gave his face a most singular expression , and added to the vivacity of his look , and the malice of his smile 他是一個很可愛的孩子,有一雙深藍色的大眼睛,和他那潔白的膚色非常相稱,只是他的頭發太淡了一點,使他的面貌看上去有點古怪,但他卻有著極靈活的目光,極刻毒的微笑。

A mass of straight black hair , defying all attempts to train or curl it , fell over his projecting forehead , and hung down to his shoulders , giving increased vivacity to eyes already sparkling with a youthful love of mischief and fondness for every forbidden enjoyment 頭發直而黑,雖然曾燙過但還是鬈曲不起來,有一大綹頭發從他那凸出的前額上掛下來,直垂到他的肩頭,那一雙充滿了狡猾陰險和頑皮執拗的眼睛顯得十分機靈活潑。

With repeated application of the technique of chinese paper cutting , its style is consistent with that of the last three issues of the latest series . its uniqueness , however , lies on the meshing of silver against the default four colours which gives an extra touch of vivacity on the rams 郵票貫徹同輯前三套的風格,以中國剪紙手法制作,而今年除了以四色印刷外,更加上銀色油墨以收潤澤感覺,令四只吉羊倍添朝氣。

If we still hold dearly to our localised english or localised chinese , revelling in their vivacity , intimacy and local flavour , how then are we able to keep abreast with the times lianhe zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the internet bandwagon 要是我們還緊緊抱住本土英語或本土華語不放,念念不忘本土英語或本土華語怎么傳神,怎么親切,怎么富有地方特色,試問,又怎樣跟上時代的潮流,與時代同步前進呢?

And then she would pout like a disappointed child ; a pensive cloud would soften her radiant vivacity ; she would withdraw her hand hastily from his , and turn in transient petulance from his aspect , at once so heroic and so martyr - like 而隨后她會像失望的孩子那樣板著臉,一片陰沉的烏云會掩去她光芒四射的活力。她會急忙從他那里抽出手來,使一會兒性子,從他既像英雄又像殉道者的面孔轉開。

That so much impressed her with a sense of new and untransmitted vigour in pearl s nature , as this never - failing vivacity of spirits ; she had not the disease of sadness , which almost all children , in 在珠兒的秉性中,這種永不衰竭的精神活力帶有一種蘊含著的嶄新精力的感覺,給她的印象最為深刻珠兒沒有憂郁癥如今幾乎所有的孩子都從他們先輩的煩惱中,把這種癥狀同瘟病一起繼承了下來。

There was no harassing restraint , no repressing of glee and vivacity with him ; for with him i was at perfect ease , because i knew i suited him ; all i said or did seemed either to console or revive him 跟他在一起,不存在那種折磨人的自我克制,不需要把歡快活躍的情緒壓下去。同他相處,我無拘無束,因為我知道自己與他很相稱。我的一切言行似乎都撫慰著他,給他以新的生命。

St . john did not rebuke our vivacity ; but he escaped from it : he was seldom in the house ; his parish was large , the population scattered , and he found daily business in visiting the sick and poor in its different districts 圣.約翰對我們的說笑并無非議,但避之不迭。他很少在家,他的教區大,人口分散,訪問不同地區的貧苦人家,便成了每天的例行公事。

For a moment they stood grouped together at the other extremity of the gallery , conversing in a key of sweet subdued vivacity : they then descended the staircase almost as noiselessly as a bright mist rolls down a hill 她們聚集在走廊的另一頭,站了片刻,用壓低了的輕快動聽的語調交談著。隨后走下樓梯,幾乎沒有聲響,仿佛一團明亮的霧從山上降落下來。

The greatest success of the tale of the marshes is in its portrayals of a series of legendary hero - figures , which radiate with vivacity and vigor as well as differing individual traits 清代的金圣嘆特別欣賞《水滸傳》的人物,他在點評《水滸傳》時說:其他的小說看一遍就不想再看了,只有《水滸傳》是百看不厭,因為“他把一百八個性格都寫出來了” 。

In front of them a stream of people was crowding and crushing against the ticket office , and there was a din of voices , in the midst of which the name of nana sounded with all the melodious vivacity of its two syllables 在他們面前,觀眾排成一條長,擠在檢票處,發出一陣陣喧鬧聲,喧鬧聲中,不時響起娜娜的名字,這兩個字就像唱歌一樣響亮有力。

If we still hold dearly to our localized english or localized chinese , reveling in their vivacity , intimacy and local flavor , how then are we able to keep abreast with the times 要是我們還緊緊抱住本土英語或本土華語不放,念念不忘本土英語或本土華語怎么傳神,怎么親切,怎么富有地方特色,試問,又怎樣跟上時代的潮流,與時代同步前進呢?

Lord ingram , like his sisters , is very tall ; like them , also , he is handsome ; but he shares mary s apathetic and listless look : he seems to have more length of limb than vivacity of blood or vigour of brain 英格拉姆勛爵同他的姐妹們一樣高挑個子,同她們一樣漂亮,但有著瑪麗那種冷漠倦怠的神色。他似乎四肢瘦長有余,血氣或腦力不足。

I listened through curiosity to the discourse of these little creatures ; but as they , in their national vivacity , spoke three or four together , i could make but little of their conversation 現在這批小蟲在舉行辯論,我好奇心動,不免湊上前去偷聽一番;可是蟲雖小,它們的心卻很大,開起口來,都是三四個一起來的,因此聽來很不清楚。