
vivacious adj.1.快活的,活潑的;生氣勃勃的。2.〔古語〕長生...

“ i remember how impressed i was with her vivacious and captivating warmth “她活潑動人的熱情深深感染了我。


The children are artless and vivacious , perform excellent and movingly , applause is warm in the field , especially perform while finishing , the whole audience rises to their feet and breaks into out the warm applause for a long time , child curtain calls as much as each , have not as unwilling to leave away people for a long time and give somebody a kind of feeling felt regret at parting from , atmosphere reach climax , i flowed the hot tears 小朋友們天真活潑、演出精彩動人,場內掌聲熱烈,特別是演出結束時,全場起立爆發出長時間的熱烈掌聲,小朋友們一次次的謝幕,人們久久不愿離去,給人一種依依不舍的感覺,氣氛達到最高潮,我都感動得流下了熱淚。

The children are artless and vivacious , perform excellent and movingly , applause is warm in the field , especially perform while finishing , the whole audience rises to their feet and breaks into out the warm applause for a long time , child curtain calls as much as each , have not as unwilling to leave away people for a long time and give somebody a kind of feeling felt regret at parting from , atmosphere reach climax , i flowed the hot tears 小朋友們天真活潑演出精彩動人,場內掌聲熱烈,特別是演出結束時,全場起立爆發出長時間的熱烈掌聲,小朋友們一次次的謝幕,人們久久不愿離去,給人一種依依不舍的感覺,氣氛達到最高潮,我都感動得流下了熱淚。

Venture investment is not only a kind of long - term investment behavior , but also a vivacious industry in the market system , which highly demands the standardized law and regulation system . meanwhile , whether the law system is sound and stable is an important factor for the majority of venture investors to make decisions on investment . so establishing a relatively adequate law system is necessary to keep the venture investment mechanism of the sophisticated and new technology development running normally 風險投資是一種長期的投資行為,又是市場體系中一種活潑的產業,對法律法規體系有著較高的要求,而法律體系的健全與穩定與否又是大多數風險投資者在確定是否投資時考慮的一個重要因素,因此建立一套較為完善的法律法規體系,是實現高新技術開發的風險投資機制正常運行的必要條件,是促進風險投資也健康發展的重要保證。

She made reasonable progress , entertained for me a vivacious , though perhaps not very profound , affection ; and by her simplicity , gay prattle , and efforts to please , inspired me , in return , with a degree of attachment sufficient to make us both content in each other s society 她取得了合情合理的進步,對我懷有一種也許并不很深卻十分熱烈的感情。她的單純她愉快的喁語她想討人喜歡的努力,反過來也多少激起了我對她的愛戀,使我們兩人之間維系著一種彼此都感到滿意的關系。

1965 , their main characters are young white - collar married couples . plot - wise , they are storms - in - a - teacup but their observations on gender relations in a transforming society are unusually acute . compared to the later youth films starring connie chan po - chu or josephine siao , kong ngee s works appear to lack that vivacious youthful energy 喜的有浪漫輕松劇追妻記招狼入舍1963小姐的丈夫1965結婚的秘密1965等,拍的都是白領小夫妻的茶杯風波,對現代社會日漸蛻變的兩性關系,有相當敏銳的描寫。

Adjacent to the men s public urinal he perceived an icecream car round which a group of presumably italians in heated altercation were getting rid of voluble expressions in their vivacious language in a particularly animated way , there being some little differences between the parties 他瞧見有輛冰淇淋車停在男子公共小便池附近。車子周圍估計是一群意大利人,相互之間有點,正在操著他們那生氣勃勃的語言,口若懸河,格外激烈地展開著舌戰。

The eyes were simply two holes , the lips had gone , and the white teeth were clenched . the long , dry , black hair was stuck over the temples and partly veiled the green hollows of the cheeks , and yet in this face i recognized the pink and white , vivacious face which i had seen so often 一對眼睛只剩下了兩個窟窿,嘴唇爛掉了,雪白的牙咬得緊緊的,干枯而黑乎乎的長發貼在太陽穴上,稀稀拉拉地掩蓋著深深凹陷下去的青灰色的面頰。

National university of tainan , located in historical and ancient tainan and surrounded by reminiscent architectures , is tinted with retro atmosphere , while the vivacious laughter and blatant group discussion from students disclose its eye - catching transformation 臺南師范大學座落于歷史悠久的古都,古色古香建筑繯繞四周,校園中飄逸一縷復古氣息,但學生活潑的笑聲與喧嘩的課程討論聲,道出該校的令人驚?的蛻變。

Along with the expanding of the dama chan , someone appeared to realize the dao by the direct explanation of dama chan , the nature of confucianists ' culture was nothing but a vivacious and unrestrained ultruism 歷史再發展到唐宋,由達摩而來的禪宗一心法的弘揚,才使得中國讀儒書之人借禪宗得以豁然頓悟孔孟之道,歷史發展至此,由孟子失傳的道統才有人借禪宗得以親證,儒家文化才得以從根本上弘揚。

Interestingly enough , dr , the emcees were debbie reynolds and john moschitta , jr , a vivacious lovely star of more than 30 motion pictures , two broadway shows and various television appearances from here and abroad 令人感興趣的是,主持人是黛比雷諾和約翰莫奇塔。黛比是一個活潑可愛的影星,演過超過三十部的電影兩部百老匯舞臺劇和許多的國內外的電視劇。

A sour wine , moreover , or a souring , for its influence on the mood of those who drank it was to make them gloomy . no vivacious bacchanalian flame leaped out of the pressed grape of monsieur defarge : but , a smouldering fire that burnt in the 歡快的酒神的火苗是無法從德伐日先生壓榨出的葡萄汁上燃起來的,它的酒渣里也隱藏著一種在黑暗里悶著燃燒的火。

The state forestry administration announced on march 20 that two young and vivacious giant pandas born in the china conservation and research centre for the giant panda in wolong , sichuan , in august 2005 have been selected 國家林業局并于3月20日宣布,已選定一對在2005年8月于四川臥中國保護大熊貓研究中心出生的年輕、活潑、可愛大熊貓贈予香港。

She uses light , vivacious , colorful strokes and simple graphic images , and through different layers to collect and record fragments of memories in life , and to reconstruct a disappearing , finished past 她以輕松、活潑、嬌俏的色彩加上簡單的線條圖象,透過不同的層次,以繪畫的形式去收錄生活回憶的片段,并重新建立一個已消失、已結束的過去。

To hester s eye , the reverend mr . dimmesdale exhibited no symptom of positive and vivacious suffering , except that , as little pearl had remarked , he kept his hand over his heart 在海絲特的眼中,丁梅斯代爾牧師先生除去象小珠兒曾經說過的那樣,總用手捂著心口之外,沒有表現出顯面易見的受折磨的征候。

A person should be vivacious but disciplined , innocent but not childlish , courageous but not rash , unyielding but principled , enthusiastic but not impulsive , optimistic but not blind 一個人應該:活潑而有紀律,天真而不幼稚,勇敢而不魯莽,倔強而有原則,熱情而不沖動,樂觀而不盲目。

Emeralds which are mostly smaller , but very fine , in a vivacious , intense green come from zimbabwe s famous sandawana mine , and they often have a delicate yellowish - green nuance 礦區所生產的祖母綠大部份是較小,但色澤極鮮明活潑,且時常帶著微妙的黃綠色色調。

The memoirs are said to contain remarkable day - to - day detail written in a vivacious style as well as numerous corrections and spelling mistakes 據說,回憶錄中包括一些值得注意的日常細節,寫法生動活潑,還有不少修改痕跡和拼寫錯誤。

So the happy villiage was a big family isolated from the word , they were self supported and were able to maintain the vivacious culture from tribal era 所以快樂村是一個與外界隔絕的大家庭,自耕自織,保存著部落時代的活潑文化。