
vitriolic adj.1.硫酸(鹽)的,由硫酸制成的。2.(批評等)尖...

And just as the proponents of “ modern art “ cast their slings and arrows at the oh - so 19th century style , varying political groups brought out their personal arsenals of vitriolic prejudice in damning one aspect or other of mucha ' s work 如同現代藝術的支持者對十九世紀的藝術風格大肆韃伐,不斷改變的當政團體也帶著他們個人的積怨與激烈偏見來曲解、抨擊慕夏的作品。

The unusually vitriolic protests “ create uncertainty about beijing at a time when china is rising economically and militarily , “ one diplomatic source notes 有外交人士對此評論道,這一偏激得異乎尋常的抗議使得外界對經濟和軍事力量增長后的北京將會如何舉動更加不確定。


In order to improve the electro - catalytic activity of platinum based catalyst to methanol oxidation , in this thesis , firstly prepare heteropoly acid modified pt / gc electrode with different concentration by cyclic voltammetry method , and then test the cyclic voltammetry curves individually in vitriolic and methanol solution . the study shows the best concentration for both phosphomolybdic acid and phosphotungstic acid is 1 10 ~ ( - 3 ) mol / l . and find the more heteropoly acid modified on electrode , the lower peak - up potential towards methanol because of the existence of oxygenous species 為了改善鉑基催化劑氧化甲醇的催化活性,本論文首先通過循環伏安掃描法制備了不同濃度磷鉬酸和磷鎢酸修飾的pt / gc電極,通過研究pt / gc電極在修飾前后在硫酸溶液中及含甲醇的硫酸溶液中的循環伏安行為發現,磷鉬酸和磷鎢酸均能在ptru / c電極上發生氧化還原反應,而且雜多酸修飾濃度對pt / gc電極氧化甲醇的催化活性有很大影響。

To determine the vitriolic solute quality mark in sewage does following tests : take 10 grams this sewage , chase to the middle of sewage drop join solute quality mark to change sodium solution for the oxyhydrogen of 4 % , if plan institute is shown , the ph change of the quality of solution of natrium of oxidation of place drop hydrogenation and solution concerns 為測定污水中硫酸的溶質質量分數做如下實驗:取10克該污水,向污水中逐滴加入溶質質量分數為4 %的氫氧化鈉溶液,所滴加氫氧化鈉溶液的質量與溶液的ph變化關系如圖所示。

And just as the proponents of “ modern art “ cast their slings and arrows at the oh - so 19th century style , varying political groups brought out their personal arsenals of vitriolic prejudice in damning one aspect or other of mucha ' s work 如同現代藝術的支持者對十九世紀的藝術風格大肆韃伐,不斷改變的當政團體也帶著他們個人的積怨與激烈偏見來曲解、抨擊慕夏的作品。

Mencken , american editor and critic . a founder and editor ( 1924 - 1933 ) of the american mercury , he wrote essays of vitriolic social criticism , often directed toward the complacent middle class 孟肯,亨(利) ?路(易斯) 1880 - 1956美國新聞編輯及評論家。他是美國信使的創始人和編輯( 1924 - 1933年) ,他所寫之辛辣諷刺性的社會評論小品文經常針對自負的中產階級

The best technical condition of the reed pulp is in 47 sr , wipped off primary fines and added secondary fines up to 10 % , meanwhile , adding stuffings ( abietic acid , vitriolic aluminium , french chalk ) 漂白蘆葦漿抄造文化用紙的最佳工藝條件為:在打漿度為47 sr時去除一級細小纖維,加入10 %的二級細小纖維,同時加入填料(松香膠、硫酸鋁、滑石粉) 。

The unusually vitriolic protests “ create uncertainty about beijing at a time when china is rising economically and militarily , “ one diplomatic source notes 有外交人士對此評論道,這一偏激得異乎尋常的抗議使得外界對經濟和軍事力量增長后的北京將會如何舉動更加不確定。

I am not the first to have noticed this ; you will find xml namespaces to be the subject of frequent and vitriolic discussion on the various xml developer mailing lists 我并不是第一個注意到這一點的人, xml名稱空間是各種xml開發人員郵件列表中經常受到尖刻批評的對象。

Keane ' s complaints about team - mates - including ferdinand - were so vitriolic that the station was forced to pull the show 由于基恩的言辭非常激烈,電視臺最后被迫取消了節目的播出。

For years the united states had been the number one enemy , the target of china ' s most vitriolic propaganda 多年來美國一直是中國的頭號敵人,是中國尖刻宣傳的主要攻擊目標。

You thought the grass was greener over there , while serpents snaked around your hair , so pour a vitriolic coffee cup 無法忘記是你那深深的力疲那個美態仍令我心醉

Calculate according to the experiment please the vitriolic solute quality mark in this sewage 請根據實驗計算該污水中硫酸的溶質質量分數。

Vitriolic impurity is contained normally in the sewage that vitriolic factory discharges 硫酸廠排放的污水中通常含有硫酸雜質。

I picked out three of these vitriolic hate mails 我從中挑選了3封一些有惡意的令人討厭的郵件