
vitriol n.1.【化學】硫酸(鹽);礬。2.刻薄話;尖酸刻薄的諷...

vitriol throwing

After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment exposed to the corrosive action of copperas , green vitriol and nutgall . unusual polysyllables of foreign origin she interpreted phonetically or by false analogy or by both : metempsychosis met him pike hoses , alias a mendacious person mentioned in sacred scripture 對那些沒有聽慣的多音節外來語,她總是根據語音或模擬類推,或將二者折衷,牽強附會:例如把“輪回”說成是“遇見了他尖頭膠皮管107 ” ,把“別名”一詞說成是“圣經里提到的一個撤謊的人108 ” 。

When finished the tests of chloride containing in the chlorinated polyethylene and the confecting of 0 . 001 % standard vitriol liquor in the stearic acid standard , it was found out that the test result according to the test methods in the standard requirement were different from the actual requirement 摘要按對氯化聚乙烯標準中氯含量的測試和硬脂酸標準中0 . 001 %硫酸標準溶液的配制方法進行試驗后,發現按標準中要求的試驗方法檢測出來的數據與實際要求不一致。

The paper addresses the consecutive stratagem of development and equipment management through the realization of economic consuming electricity and the import of vitriol washing processing set , and the import of stainless steel cutting system in order to reducing smoke 通過節電措施的實施,和酸洗廢液處理裝置的引進,以及為減少煙霧對不銹鋼等離子切割裝置的改進,論述了設備管理工作和可持續發展戰略的密切關系。

Better than that , another time when we were on the coast of coromandel some savages gave us i don t know what sort of a mixture of pepper and vitriol , and that didn t hurt me one bit . i can t make myself drunk . 有一天,我在印度科羅曼德爾海岸,當地土著人讓我們喝一種不知叫什么名字的酒,像是一種劣質燒酒摻了胡椒我喝了也一點沒有醉我是不會醉的。 ”

By using gc - ms , the result showed that the gaseous substances are the mixture of organic acids and a compound as a byproduct in the reaction of vitriol oil and phenol 纖維類廢棄物的熱化學液化反應過程中,產生了一類低沸點的氣態混合物。經gc - ms檢測,結果顯示氣態混合物為一類有機酸的混合物和苯酚-硫酸形成的化合物。

Vitriol : the alchemical substance that purifies a promethean for the transition to mortality . vitriol is produced by the azoth when the promethean completes a milestone on the pilgrimage 硫酸:能夠凈化活尸,使其轉變成人類的煉金術物質。硫酸是當活尸完成朝圣的里程碑時,由水銀所制造的產物。

Most proteins have amino acids with aromatic ring , so they have yellow reaction . phenylalanine is not easy to nitrify , so it is necessary to add in a little vitriol oil 多數蛋白質分子含有帶苯環的氨基酸,所以都會發生黃色反應。苯丙氨酸不易硝化,需加少量濃硫酸后才能夠發生黃色反應。

Listen to the vitriol emanating from the bank and it is tempting to give up on this troubled place and find another way to channel cash to the world ' s poor 聽聽這些來自世行的尖酸評論,而世行本身也有意放棄這塊煩惱地,轉而尋求另一種方法向窮國提供現金資助。

Listen to the vitriol emanating from the bank and it is tempting to give up on this troubled place and find another way to channel cash to the world ' s poor 聽聽這些來自世行的尖酸評論,而世行本身也有意放棄這塊是非地,轉而尋求另一種方法向窮國提供現金資助。

The samples of pmn - pt have been dissolved by thick vitriol . now a convenient chemical titration analysis method was proposed to make analysis of the cations in the system 對煅燒后的樣品進行溶解,對其中的陽離子通過絡合滴定等方法來進行定量分析。

Centrifugal blowers , with model number d400 - 15 , are key equipments to a vitriol plant which lies in liuzhou , guangxi 摘要d400 - 15型離心鼓風機是廣西柳州某化工集團硫酸廠的關鍵設備之一。

Mixed messages are still coming out of washington ; but the vitriol has gone 不同意見的信息繼續源源不斷從華盛頓傳來,但尖酸刻薄的話語已經蕩然無存。

Separation of magnetic substance for the preparation of iron extractive mine from waste residue of vitriol 硫酸廢渣中用于制備鐵精礦的磁性物質的分離

Store jar of vitriol 硫酸貯罐3000t只

Workshop section of vitriol 硫酸車間干吸工段

Design and application of oil operation stove in producing vitriol 燃油開工爐在硫酸生產中的設計與應用

Study on hydrolyzation of hyperfine fibers synthetic leather use vitriol 超細纖維合成革的硫酸水解改性

His attack on the government was pure vitriol 他純粹出於惡意抨擊政府

Health protection zone standard for vitriol paper mill 硫酸鹽造紙廠衛生防護距離標準