
vita n.(pl. -tae ) 〔拉丁語〕1.傳記,自傳〔通...

So the composer invited vitas to come to rome to take part in the rehearsals of “ toska “ , the modern version of the legendary opera 獨特的嗓音攝人的眼神勾人的神秘,都是vitas成功的重要原因。但是單靠這些, vitas不會走紅5年之久。

In december , 2002 vitas took part in the tv series which was a screen version of mrs . dontsovas novel “ a beloved scoundrel “ Vitas之所以能夠進入中國,也正是因為他的聲音。第一首開始在網上流傳的vitas歌曲,是他的成名曲歌劇2 。

“ who ' s got the longer vita . “ - what should never be the deciding factor on a public policy question , 30 october 2001 “小傳寫得比較長的人。 ” -永遠都不該成為公共政策問題的決定性因素的東西, 2001年10月30日。

“ beautiful , marvellous . we are feeling good , we are together , it is healthy , better than this . . . it beats the dolce vita “ 很美、很了不起,我們覺得很好,能在一起,很健康,媲美好的生活。

“ integer vitae “ , says a roman poet , who is strange company for st paul - 正直地生活,一位羅馬詩人說過的話,真讓人想不到和圣保羅說的完全一樣

Vitas first appeared on the russian stage with his hit “ opera n 2 “ in december 2000 早在2000年, vitas就憑著他的聲音,震撼了俄羅斯人。

You know , in “ la dolce vita , “ he goes in and he gets her 你知道嗎?在“甜蜜的生活“中他走進去然后把她帶出來

My happy heart whispered , “ you ' re home “ la dolce vita 我的小心肝輕聲說, “你回家了“讓我們盡情放縱吧

She is sylvia in “ la dolce vita . 她是“甜蜜的生活“的希爾薇婭

The theme of it was very short : just “ vitas “ 而主題非常的簡短:就是vitas !


Applications for this position should submit a current curriculum vitae with photograph and daytime contact particulars , together with the expected salary package 該職位申請須提供帶照片的近況履歷及日間聯系方式,同時請提供工資期望值

So the composer invited vitas to come to rome to take part in the rehearsals of “ toska “ , the modern version of the legendary opera 獨特的嗓音攝人的眼神勾人的神秘,都是vitas成功的重要原因。但是單靠這些, vitas不會走紅5年之久。

In december , 2002 vitas took part in the tv series which was a screen version of mrs . dontsovas novel “ a beloved scoundrel “ Vitas之所以能夠進入中國,也正是因為他的聲音。第一首開始在網上流傳的vitas歌曲,是他的成名曲歌劇2 。

From the graduate ' s point of view a stint of unpaid work boosts the curriculum vitae and helps them find out what they like 從畢業生的觀點來看,一星半點的不帶薪工作,能夠使他們的簡歷更好看,會幫助他們找到自己喜歡的工作。

If you are not available during the recruitment day , please email detailed curriculum vitae together with salary expectation to us 如果您當天未能到現場,請將您的簡歷與期望薪資發送至所述郵箱,我們將盡快與您聯系。

If you are not available during the recruitment day , please email detailed curriculum vitae together with salary expectation to 如果您當天未能到現場,請將您的簡歷與期望薪資發送至以下郵箱: ,我們將盡快與您聯系。

“ who ' s got the longer vita . “ - what should never be the deciding factor on a public policy question , 30 october 2001 “小傳寫得比較長的人。 ” -永遠都不該成為公共政策問題的決定性因素的東西, 2001年10月30日。

Detection methods including ulevel , mulevel and vita methods are analyzed in detail . the threshold value of each method is discussed 同時,對雷諾應力的分析也表明圓管的雷諾應力小于槽道的雷諾應力。

Vitas is a pioneer in fashion . he had a fashion show in kremlin palace in 2002 . he has two cars in moscow , two audi cars 維塔斯穿的衣服是他自己設計的嗎?有設計過女士的服裝?有沒有打算在中國投入生產?