
visitor n.(fem. visitress )1.訪問者,來客,...


Magnus kept to himself seeing no visitors avoiding even his family . 曼克奈斯獨來獨往,不見客人,連家里人也避爾不見。

They should have such frequent invitations and such constant visitors . 她們竟得到非常頻繁的邀請與絡繹不絕的客人。

Such a visitor wouldn't have been allowed into the plant unescorted . 這樣的來訪者就不會無人陪同而被允許進入廠內。

I made it a habit to inform visitors of the system that we used . 我差不多已經成了習慣,喜歡將此項設備告知各來賓。

Her letter was scarcely finished when a rap foretold a visitor . 她的信剛剛寫完,就聽到了敲門聲,預告有客人來訪。

Lou gave the visitor a quick, sidelong glance and thrust out his hand . 羅急速地瞟了來訪者一眼,接著就伸出手來。

His knowledge startled his visitors by its sweep and detail . 他對情況了解得全面而細致,使他的來賓為之驚嘆。

The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors . 參觀的人成千上萬,把臺階踩得不像樣子了。

Does she count on suave bullying to keep the visitors in line ? 他指望靠溫和的威嚇來使客人們循規蹈矩嗎?

Visitors are welcome . 歡迎參觀。

The next visitors were arab. they were no more tractable . 接著而來的便是阿拉伯客人,他們并不更好說話。

The visitor looks a stranger to me. i do n't think i 've met him before . 這位客人很眼生,我不認識他。

The royal visitor was saluted by a fanfare of trumpets . 皇室貴賓在嘹亮的銅管樂曲中受到熱烈歡迎。

Early arab visitors to sumatra regarded it with dread . 早期到過蘇門答臘的阿拉伯人都談虎色變。

The little visitor meanwhile was as unhappy as possible . 小客人這時候要多么難受有多么難受。

I heard the visitor walking restlessly backward and forthward . 我聽見那位客人不住走來走去。

The visitor sat and listened to her retreating feet . 客人坐在那里,聽著她愈走愈遠的腳步聲。

Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy . 訪問者已被要求保持樹林清潔整齊。

He received a stream of visitors through the afternoon . 整個下午,他接待的訪問者川流不息。