
visible adj.1.可見的,看得見的,肉眼能見的。2.顯著的,顯...

visible exports

Not a soul was visible on the hedgeless highway, or on either side of it . 在這條沒有樹籬遮斷的大路上面和大路兩旁,連一個人影兒都看不見。

The most visible functions of government are those of regulator, tax collector, and provider . 政府最重要的職能是管理、征稅、供給。

Notwithstanding an unusual flow of company, the master of the wine-shop was not visible . 雖然人們來往異常頻繁,酒鋪主人并不出現。

Within a month of the accession, the realities of the new situation assumed a visible shape . 登極后不到一個月,新形勢就具體化了。

Police regulations prescribe that an officer 's number must be clearly visible . 警員條例要求執行職務者的號碼標志必須清楚易見。

The new quarters were visible evidence that abirifies inc. was a successful operation . 新廠房就是能力公司事業成功的突出證明。

Cracks developed in the coating are usually not visible without enhancement . 涂層中產生的裂紋通常必須經過增效處理才能看得見。

Approximately every 11 years the number of visible sunspots reaches a maximum . 大約每11年,可看到的太陽黑子數目達到一個峰值。

Visible particulate matter can be controlled by adequate regulations . 對肉眼可見的顆粒物質的污染通過適當管理即可加以控制。

In most cases there is no visible imposition of the parent firm's policies . 多數情況下,總公司的政策并沒有什么明顯的要求。

The electron clouds are clearly visible as blurs surrounding the invisible nuclei . 電子云就象環繞著看不見的核的一片云霧。

Then the scratches and spots on the field lens would be visible at the eye lens . 此時場鏡上的劃痕和小點會在接目鏡中看見。

In the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea . 最后它們流進大海,與海水渾然一體,看不出任何界線。

The thermal radiation of shorter wavelengths than the visible are called ultraviolet . 波長短于可見光的熱輻射稱紫外線。

The second peal was noisy, with comparatively little visible lightning . 第二串雷聲炸開,相對而言,閃電卻不那么耀眼了。

One filter usually suffices for the entire visible range of wavelengths . 一個濾波器通常能滿足整個光波可見范圍的需要。

Topographical detail visible in daylight is printed in subdued colors . 白晝可見的地形起伏部采用色調柔和的顏色印刷。

Photometric sensors are devices that measure energy in the visible spectrum . 測光傳感器是測定可見光譜中能量的儀表。

The boulders are quite widely separated and much interstitial mud is visible . 這些漂礫彼此相隔較遠并有許多填隙泥。