
virulent adj.1.有劇毒的,致死的,有毒害的。2.病毒的,致病...


Still , this particularly virulent and infectious strain of the flu virus is thought to have killed as many as 40 million people around the world between 1918 and 1919 即便如此,這株毒性特強、傳染性甚高的流感病毒于1918 ~ 1919年肆虐全球,據信造成4000萬人死亡。

Tests on chickens and mice show that avian flu h5n1 virus isolated from ducks in 2004 is more virulent and harmful to mammals than in recent years 在雛雞和小鼠進行的實驗顯示, 2004年從鴨身上分離出的h5n1病毒同今年其他病毒相比,毒力更強,對哺乳動物危害更大。

It is also older eu countries that have been most reluctant to reform their economies ; as a result , they have been suffering from a virulent attack of slow growth 并且這些較早的歐盟國家也最不愿意進行經濟改革;結果是他們都由于經濟增長過慢而深受其害。

Like their walker cousins , the spore bats draw ingredients from the environment and combine them to form virulent toxins used in subduing the spore bats ' prey 和孢子行者同類一樣,孢子蝙蝠從環境取得原料并結合它們成為致命的劇毒來制服孢子蝙蝠的獵物。

It is also more virulent because the inoculum required for septicum to cause an infection is ~ 300 times lower in mice compared with perfringens 小鼠實驗證實梭狀芽孢桿菌比產氣莢膜桿菌的毒性更強,因為前者造成感染的接種量僅為后者的約1 / 300 。

Illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin are sold , purchased and used on the street , allowing virulent diseases like hiv to run rampant 街頭上,觸目可見古柯鹼海洛因之類的非法毒品的買賣與使用,致使像hiv這種疾病愈發恣意泛濫不可收拾。

The virulent h5n1 avian flu virus spread across much of asia from late 2003 , causing the death or culling of more than 100 million fowl 這種惡性的h5n1禽流感病毒在2003晚些時候就蔓延了大部分亞洲國家,致使超過1億只家禽死亡或撲殺

I was a precocious actress in her eyes ; she sincerely . looked on me as a compound of virulent passions , mean spirit , and dangerous duplicity 在她眼里我是個早熟的演員,她打心底里認為,我是個本性惡毒靈魂卑劣為人陰險的貨色。

The virulent h5n1 avian flu virus spread across much of asia from late 2003 , causing the death or culling of more than 100 million fowl 這種致命的h5n1禽流感病毒于2003年底席卷了亞洲大部分地區,導致超過1億的家禽死亡或被撲殺。

This year ' s variety has been particularly virulent : the emotional stuff offends not so much for its mushiness but for its rank insincerity 今年流行的廢話就特別惡毒:光是煽情也就罷了,不會讓人過分反感,問題是它虛假得厲害!

There is a sort of green leaf , it is virulent , not only whoever eat it will die , even incaution , your skin will repidly canker for touching it 有一種綠葉,有劇毒,不但人吃了要死,就是不小心,皮膚沾上了,那也會很快潰爛!

Among 31 strains , gx - 8 / 99 was the most virulent , which could cause as high mortality as 70 % - 94 % in the relatively wide ranges of ages 致病性最強的gx8 99可在易感年齡的spf雞引起70 - 92的死亡率,是典型的超強毒。

Comparing with results to higher plants , we found that the similar aos burst occured in virulent host pathogenesis of some higher plants 與高等植物類比,我們發現病原菌引起的海帶組織呼吸氧爆發模式與高等植物相同。

These are stronger , more invasive viruses which are not recommended unless you have this highly virulent form of ibd 這些都是毒力強些的疫苗,不建議使用毒力再強些的疫苗除非有這種高致病力的ibd存在。

This species is made more virulent by producing large amount of toxins and proteolytic enzymes , further accelerating its spread 這種致病菌可以產生大量毒素和蛋白水解酶增強其毒性,進一步加快傳播。

More virulent bacteria and / or more severe pneumonias can be associated with destruction of lung tissue and hemorrhage 毒力較強細菌性肺炎或更嚴重的肺炎可能與肺組織破壞和出血有關。

Scientists show how salmonella food bacteria in space become more virulent in their weightless surroundings 科學家顯示腔隙的沙門氏菌食物細菌如何在他們的無重量環境方面變得更有毒。

An abscess is a complication of severe pneumonia , most typically from virulent organisms such as s . aureus 膿腫是比較嚴重的肺炎并發癥,引起該病最典型的病原微生物是例如s .金葡菌。

Rapid detection is particularly important for some of the more virulent bacteria , such as listeria monocytogenes 對某些致命細菌(如單核細胞增多性李氏桿菌)的快速檢測甚為重要。