
virion n.【醫學】病毒顆粒。

Prevention and cure of the derzsy ' s disease depended on vaccine and antiserum , antibodies of eggs . the vaccines includes goose embryo and duck embryo vaccines which were used 1n breed goose and goslings , and those vaccines have great effect in breeding goose , but the entire virion live vaccines and attenuated vaccines exist many deficiencies . such as preclinical infection , dissemination of virus , recovery of viru5 , etc . those proplems can be sol / ed by producing genetic engineering “ asclne 目前使用的疫苗分為種鵝用和雛鵝用的鵝胚和鴨胚化疫苗,這些疫苗在實際生產中發揮巨大作用,因其為全毒苗或弱毒苗,存在著潛伏感染,排毒散毒,毒力返祖的缺陷,基因工程疫苗的研制可解決上述問題。


Prevention and cure of the derzsy ' s disease depended on vaccine and antiserum , antibodies of eggs . the vaccines includes goose embryo and duck embryo vaccines which were used 1n breed goose and goslings , and those vaccines have great effect in breeding goose , but the entire virion live vaccines and attenuated vaccines exist many deficiencies . such as preclinical infection , dissemination of virus , recovery of viru5 , etc . those proplems can be sol / ed by producing genetic engineering “ asclne 目前使用的疫苗分為種鵝用和雛鵝用的鵝胚和鴨胚化疫苗,這些疫苗在實際生產中發揮巨大作用,因其為全毒苗或弱毒苗,存在著潛伏感染,排毒散毒,毒力返祖的缺陷,基因工程疫苗的研制可解決上述問題。

In young chickens aev induces paralysis , ataxia and muscular dystrophy , while in older chickens , infection is usually subclinical , resulting in a decline in egg production and hatchability . infectivity was shown to remain unaffected by chloroform , low ph , pepsin , trypsin and deoxyribonuclease . magnesium cations were shown to stabilise preparations of the virus against heat inactivation . the buoyant density of virions are 1 . 31g / ml . the diameter of the virion was estimated to be 22 to 30nm . the aev can be adapted to grow in chicken embryo . the inability of aev to grow effeciently in most cell cultures 幼雞感染該病毒后,引起麻痹、頭頸震顫甚至共濟失調,而成雞常呈亞臨床感染或導致產蛋量和孵化率下降。病毒的感染性不受氯仿、低ph 、胃蛋白酶、胰酶和脫氧核糖核酸酶的影響,鎂離子可增強病毒對熱的穩定性,病毒的浮密度為1 . 31g ml ,直徑為22 - 30nm ,該病毒主要在雞胚中增殖,在大多數細胞培養物中不生長。

Avian encephalomyelitis virus ( aev ) is a picornavirus with a predilection for the central nervous system and other parenchymous organs of chickens that is transmited by the oral - faecal route . the virus may be spread by the vertical and horizontalroutes , and because of its great stability , contaminated areas may remain infectious for long periods . the egg - adapted van roekel strain is highly neurotropic and does not grow efficiently in the enteric tract of the chicken , and the field isolates of aev is usually enterotropic . despite this . the virion polypeptides of both naturally - occurring strains and the van roekel strain are antigenically identical 侵害雞的中樞神經系統和其它實質性器官,該病毒通過口-糞途徑傳播,具有水平和垂直傳播的能力。由于它極大的穩定性,被污染的區域可能長期保持傳染性。雞胚適應株vanroekel是高度嗜神經的,并且在雞的腸道內不能有效的生長,而野毒株卻是嗜腸道型的。

Eiav virions were observed by electron microscope from donkey leukocytes infected by virus derived from eiav - pok8 . 2 - his . these results demonstrate that changing the eiav s2 gene ( inserting small foreign gene fragment ) does not appear to affect replication properties in target cells in vitro 本研究通過soe法巧妙地對s2基因引入突變,插入his標簽,成功地獲得了標記感染性分子克隆,證明s2基因缺失突變株在體外巨嗜細胞上培養不影響其復制力,為野毒株和疫苗毒的鑒別診斷打下基礎。

As an important innate immune system , and as an important arm of the humoral immune response , the complement system is immediately ready to target and eliminate virus particles , to lysis those virions that have lipoprotein membranes , or to prevent it from entering host cells , or to marker them for destruction by other branch of the immune response . at the same time , the host normal tissue are protected from damaging by complement through recognizing the regulators of complement activation ( rca ) expressed on self cells 作為機體重要的天然免疫防御系統及特異性體液免疫應答的重要效應系統,補體系統除了具有溶解、清除病毒等致病微生物,阻止病毒進入靶細胞,調理病毒的吞噬等重要功能外,還可通過“識別”自身組織細胞表面的補體活化調節蛋白來對自身細胞加以保護,使之不受侵害。

The mechanism enhancement of the optical brightener is not known . shapiro et al . postulated that selected brightener including m2r inhibit or alter the chitinous peritrophic membrane ( pm ) , creating gaps in the membrane or gut lining and perhaps allowing more virions to pass from the gut lumen into the hemocoel 光增白劑對桿狀病毒的增效作用的機理存在兩種推測一種觀點認為光增白劑是通過破壞圍食膜結構的完整性,促使更多的病毒粒子穿越圍食膜而發動感染的;另一種意見認為光增白劑能延遲中腸上皮細胞的脫落,促進病毒的復制繁殖。

At first , 1 . 67 u g per well mcab all was coated on three wells of a plate , and then 1 . 5 x 1011 phage virion was diluted and added , after incubating with the target , wash away unbound phage by tbst ( 0 . 1 % tween - 20 ) , the bound phage was eluted with ph 2 . 2 tris - gly buffer and amplified , the specially bound phage was enriched by taking through addition binding / amplification cycles . ln the following cycles , the stringency of panning can be increased by raising the concentration of tbst or decreasing that of mcab all , collecting and titering the washing phage of last time and output phage in each round , the selective ratio and the false positive rate of each round were worked out , the gradually increasing of selective ratio and decreasing of positive rate shows that the panning was effective . after 4 rounds of panning , 11 phage clones were selected after competitive - ellsa , the dna samples of 8 positive clones and 1 negative clone were sequenced and all the foreign peptides inserted was also deduced , a clear consensus binding sequence emerged 在本實驗中,利用隨機12肽庫對抗豬瘟病毒( classicalswinefeverviruscsfv )糖蛋白me2的單抗a11進行表位篩選,經過四輪篩選以后,隨機挑取11個克隆作競爭- elisa檢測,結果表明,所挑11個克隆中,有9個克隆能對me2蛋白和a11反應產生抑制作用,抑制率最高可達64 ; dna測序以后經過dnastar軟件分析,發現它們的核心序列為anwralsl ,該核心序列與豬瘟病毒e2蛋白的28 - 35位氨基酸ttwkeysh具有同源性;夾心- elisa檢測和western - blotting試驗均證明所挑陽性克隆能被a11所識別;人工合成含核心序列的多肽經間接elisa試驗證實,也能被a11識別。

The research consist of four parts . the first part is multiplication , purification and electron microscope examination of the avian encephalomyelitis virus . a 1 : 5 dilution of isolate - nh937 of aev and control group of pbs were inoculated to susceptible 6 - day - old chickens embryos . respectively . after incubation for 10 days , the urinay vesicle liquid was collected . making a comparison the size of the chickens embryos between the test group and the control group , the results showed that the size of the control group is bigger than that of the test group . purified virions were examined under the electron microscope , the result revealed that there are a lot of virions and the aev - nh937 was multiplicated in embryos . the second part was seguence analysis of the genome of the aev - nh937 . nine pairs of primers were designed according to published calnek vaccine strain of aev 本研究共分四個部分:第一部分為aev的增殖,純化和電鏡觀察,用1 : 5倍稀釋的aev - nh937株和陰性對照pbs分別經卵黃囊接種于6dspf雞胚,繼續孵化10d后,收集尿囊液。比較接種組和健康對照組雞胚的大小,結果顯示,健康對照組雞胚明顯大于接種組。分離、提純aev ,把純化的病毒在電鏡下觀察,證明確有大量aev病毒粒子存在,說明aev在雞胚中成功擴增;第二部分是aev - nh937基因組的序列測定工作。

From these results we can conclude that host cellular protein cd55 , cd59 are incorporated into eev and hiv out membrane and mediated virus resisitance to complement attack . at the same time , the results suggest that virus incorporated cd55 and cd59 can be used as the target in the strategy aimed at target blocking rca on virions and enhancing the anti virus effects of complement . 2 Cd55 、 cd59的中和性抗體能夠發揮消除病毒的補體攻擊逃避機制,恢復病毒對補體的敏感性的實驗結果提示,這兩種補體調節蛋白可以作為以消除病毒逃避補體攻擊的機制、恢復病毒對補體攻擊的敏感性,提高補體抗病毒效率為目標的抗病毒策略的靶點。

First , sf9 and hzami cells were infected with successfully transfected supernatant . second a transfection - plaque method was used . with both methods , the production of infectious progeny virions was not observed . the results indicated that gp64 would not substitute for the function of ha133 通過其對hzami細胞的轉染和上清對sf21細胞的感染及轉染-空斑的方法,未檢測到在hzami - hasnpv系統中產生有感染性的病毒粒子,表明gp64不能功能性地替代f蛋白ha133 ,并對這一結果進行了討論。

Nevertheless , the immune system and viruses have substantially evolved together and viruses demonstrate many stratiges for subverting immune response . for enveloped virus , for instance hiv and eev can incorporate host rca into their envelope by budding through the plasma membrane , and these protect the virion against host complement attack 遺憾的是,一些有包膜的病毒也在長期的演化過程中獲得了補體系統的這種自我保護機制,即可以通過結合宿主膜補體調節蛋白來逃避補體的攻擊。

Infection assay in vitro showed that overexpression of p78 / 83 had n ' t any evident effect on the virus growth and viral assemble . it is notable that the fusion protein can be assembled to virions . via actin dissemination in vac - orf9 - gfp infected cells , p78 / 83 - egfp might colocalize with actin 對vac - orf9 - gfp感染sf21細胞作電鏡時相切片分析,結果表明,表達p78 83 - egfp融合蛋白的重組病毒,對病毒粒子的形態發生沒有明顯可見的影響。

Haorf2 protein was found to localize in cell nucleus with this recombinant virus , and the fusion protein appeared to assemble into virions normally . according to the study on the interaction between haorf2 protein and actin , haorf2 seemed to colocalize with actin during infection S蛋白在hzami細胞進行了亞細胞定位分析,以及與actin共定位的分析,結果表明, haz與gfp融合后,到感染晚期定位于細胞核中,這與haz結構蛋白的特性相符。

Phage display describes a selection technique in which a peptide or protein is expressed as a fussion with a coat protein of bacteriophage , resulting in display of the fused protein on the surface of the virion , while the dna encoding the fussion resides within the virion 自1985年gpsmith首次提出噬菌體展示技術以來,隨著生物技術的發展,噬菌體隨機肽庫已成為研究分子間相互作用的有力工具,特別是在抗原表位研究方面。

The results of the first part showed that both cd55 and cd59 neutralizing antibody can enhance the lysis or neutralization activity of complement . however , since rca are distributed widely , techniques that can mediate target rca blocking on virions are necessary 最后,病毒中和功能實驗結果顯示,我們制備的雙特異性抗體具有良好的誘導補體活化,中和eev病毒感染的作用,與親本抗體相比有增強的eev病毒中和活性。

The available data suggest that hal22 is a functional open reading frame of ha snpv and that the 21kda protein is a novel specific component of baculovirus occlusion body - derived virions 桿狀病毒膜融合蛋白( efp )是病毒功能及分類研究的一個重要蛋白,包括acmnpvgp64 , ldmnpvld130 , semnpvse8和hasnpvha133 。

To investigate whether orf94 is a structural component of hasnpv , western blot analysis of proteins in budded viruses ( bvs ) and occlusion derived virions ( odvs ) was conducted 對hasnpv感染的hzam1細胞的樣片進行westernblot分析,從感染后48h到96h檢測到一條43kda大小的特異蛋白質帶。

It refers to the release of the viral genome from its protective capsid to enable the nucleic acid to be transported within the cell and transcribed to form new progeny virions 它指的是將病毒基因組從它的保護性衣殼中釋放出來,使核酸能在細胞內轉運并能轉錄以形成新的子代病毒。