
vinous adj.1.葡萄酒的;具有葡萄酒性質的;有葡萄酒味的;葡...

“ well , old fellow , never mind , “ said mr . huxter , who , always frank and familiar , was from vinous excitement even more affable than usual “那好吧,朋友,沒關系, ”赫克斯特先生說,他一向開誠布公,胸無城府,現在由于酒后興奮,更比往常親熱得多。

“well, old fellow, never mind,“ said mr. huxter, who, always frank and familiar, was from vinous excitement even more affable than usual . “那好吧,朋友,沒關系,”赫克斯特先生說,他一向開誠布公,胸無城府,現在由于酒后興奮,更比往常親熱得多。

vins de liqueur

Games at cards languished , players at dominoes musingly built towers with them , drinkers drew figures on the tables with spilt drops of wine , madame defarge herself picked out the pattern on her sleeve with her toothpick , and saw and heard something inaudible and invisible a long way off . thus , saint antoine in this vinous feature of his , until midday 玩紙牌的玩得沒精打采玩骨牌的若有所思地拿牌搭著高塔喝酒的拿灑出的酒在桌上亂畫德伐日太太拿牙簽在他編織的袖子上挑著什么圖案,卻能看見和聽見遠處看不見和聽不見的東西。

“ well , old fellow , never mind , “ said mr . huxter , who , always frank and familiar , was from vinous excitement even more affable than usual “那好吧,朋友,沒關系, ”赫克斯特先生說,他一向開誠布公,胸無城府,現在由于酒后興奮,更比往常親熱得多。

Vinous . 1 ) term applied to a wine tasting as though it has a very high alcohol content . 2 ) term applied to the basic odour and flavour of red wine 葡萄酒的: 1 )指葡萄酒品嘗時仿佛具有非常高的酒精含量。 2 )用于描述紅葡萄酒的基本風味和香氣。

Body . the character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract , vinous and complete 酒體:提取物豐富、酒性飽滿、完滿的葡萄酒所具有的特征。

Body . the character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract , vinous and complete 酒體:提取物豐富、酒性泡滿,完滿的葡萄酒所具有的特征。

“well, old fellow, never mind,“ said mr. huxter, who, always frank and familiar, was from vinous excitement even more affable than usual . “那好吧,朋友,沒關系,”赫克斯特先生說,他一向開誠布公,胸無城府,現在由于酒后興奮,更比往常親熱得多。