
vino n.〔It., Sp. 〕 葡萄酒;果酒。


While the news is heralded as exciting and fascinating , other researchers caution that it ' s a little too soon to depend on vino to get you to your century birthday bash 本文來自news . jewelove . net當人們為這則消息激動著迷的時候,一些研究者們則發出警告說想要依靠紅酒來實現你的百歲盛會還為時過早。

While the news is heralded as exciting and fascinating , other researchers caution that it ' s a little too soon to depend on vino to get you to your century birthday bash 當人們為這則消息激動著迷的時候,一些研究者們則發出警告說想要依靠紅酒來實現你的百歲盛會還為時過早。

Vino cosecha del 2002 . este a ? o , el real madrid , conmemor su centenario y gan la liga de campeones , la supercopa de europa y la copa intercontinental 2002年,為紀念皇家馬德里足球隊成立一百周年,同時獲得歐洲足球聯賽冠軍杯,歐洲超級杯和洲際杯幾項盛事而釀制此酒。

Analysis of puerarin and volatile components in pueraria vino by high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry 葛酒中葛根素及其揮發性成分分析

Then , as a young professor , i was primarily interested in finding african chicken and vino verde 當年,作為教授的我,赴澳門的主要興趣在于尋找葡萄牙美食和美酒。

Bass bass vino rosso 雙琴合壁低音無敵

It ' s more vino , that ' s vino 這是再來一杯,迪恩馬丁

White wine vino blanco 71 rigatoni 鮮麥牌71大有紋直通粉

Vino shito , right from hell . it ' s orange flavored 來自地獄的桔汁酒是橙子味的