
vindicator n.1.維護者。2.辯白者;證明者。3.〔古語〕報仇者,...

Generally speaking , r . titmuss , r . plant and j . rawls “ theories express a liberal conception of citizenship which is the main vindicator of social citizenship rights ; the 第三章探討了社會公民資格權利的價值目標,我們將它們主要歸納為平等、社會正義和社會整合三個方面。


And as a result , the regional government has dual status of vindicator and participant , which provides the country the base of economic system for the emergence of the spatial route mode , it also forms the cause of the real inevitability for the mode 這就為我國空間路徑模式的產生提供了經濟體制的基礎,也構成我國這種模式的現實必然性原因。論文通過建立行政區域經濟增長的理論模型分析了市場經濟條件下,行政區域政府對區域經濟增長的作用機制和影響,并對我國區域政府積極作為的條件進行了較為深入的探討。

Generally speaking , r . titmuss , r . plant and j . rawls “ theories express a liberal conception of citizenship which is the main vindicator of social citizenship rights ; the 第三章探討了社會公民資格權利的價值目標,我們將它們主要歸納為平等、社會正義和社會整合三個方面。

The full set of vindicator ' s honor rewards are now in the item database . these epic rewards are purchased with honor points and battleground marks of honor 全套的第三極競技場獎勵包括了殘酷的角斗士職業套裝和相應的武器,現在用戶已經可以通過數據庫查看到這些內容。