
vilnius n.維爾紐斯〔立陶宛首都〕。

“ in the bathroom “ gallery “ lietuvos aidas “ , vilnius 阿伊達美術館“浴室”展


Police said tuesday 41 - year - old vidmantas sungaila registered 7 . 27 grams per liter of alcohol in his blood repeatedly on different devices after he was pulled over saturday for driving his truck down the center of a two - lane highway 60 miles from the capital , vilnius 經過幾臺不同儀器的反復檢測,這位司機血液中的酒精含量為每公升7 . 27克。按照立陶宛法律的規定,此項指標的上限僅為每公升0 . 4克。

Within 700 km , there are 8 european capitals around kielce - berlin in germany , vienna in austria , prague in czech , minsk in belarus , kyiv in ukraine , bratislava in slovakia , vilnius in lithuania and budapest in hungry 其周邊700公里內就輻射到了八個國家的首都? ?德國柏林、奧地利維也納、捷克布拉格、白俄羅斯明斯克、烏克蘭基輔、斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉發、立陶宛維爾紐斯、匈牙利布達佩斯。

Mr . cheney was speaking today thursday in the lithuanian capital , vilnius , at a conference of baltic and black sea states 切尼星期四在立陶宛首都維爾紐斯舉行的一個波羅的海和黑海國家會議上發表講話。

From tallinn to vilnius , ceramics by eastem european artists maryland institute , college of art , baltimore , usa 2001年愛沙尼亞首都塔林,個人作品展2002年國際陶藝學會展,希臘雅典

1978 - 1982 studied at lithuanian state institute of arts now vilnius academy of arts , department of ceramic 1978年- 1982年就讀于維爾紐斯藝術學院原立陶宛國家藝術學院陶瓷系

Vilnius color system 維爾紐斯顏色系統

1977 - 1978 studied at vilnius university , department of english philology 1977年- 1978年就讀于維爾紐斯大學,英國語言系

“ in the bathroom “ gallery “ lietuvos aidas “ , vilnius 阿伊達美術館“浴室”展