
vile adj.1.卑劣的,惡劣的;粗鄙的,惡俗的。2.〔口語〕...

“ it is a filthy and vile book “ , said the priest “那是一部卑鄙齷齪的書, ”教士說。

“isn't he a vile old beast!“ the supercargo of the malahini whispered to peter gee . “這個討厭的老畜牲!”“馬拉希尼”號押運人對彼得吉咕噥道。

“it is a filthy and vile book“, said the priest . “那是一部卑鄙齷齪的書,”教士說。


What vile trade is this , bringing corpses to honest doors ? 這是什么可怕的交易啊,把尸體運到人家的大門

Oh , you vile , heartless tribe ! he cried , and walked out of the room 他說完這句話,便從房里走出動。

Whoever he marries will be vile and treat us like slaves 繼母會對我們很惡毒她會象奴隸一樣對待我們

For getting rid of that vile man 為別再想那個卑鄙的男人了.

He ' s the most vile kind of creature 他是活物中最卑劣的一種。

L do rub shoulders with some of the most vile , 我和一些世界上

But no one succeeds except those who are base and vile 可是只有那班卑鄙惡劣的壞人才會得心應手。

By some vile forfeit of untimely death . 已經無法用語言來表達。

Skinner . he ' s taken a vile of my formula 斯吉那.還偷了我一瓶藥。

Would you be so vile as to steal a coat from a blind man 你難道會可恥到偷取一個盲人的外衣?

Murder is a vile and loathsome crime 謀殺是邪惡而令人發指的罪行。

And worse , i made him a vile promise 更糟的是我給他一個可恥的承諾

Skinner . . . he ' s taken a vile of my formula 斯吉那. . .還偷了我一瓶藥。

It was the most vile , most inhuman night of my life 這是我一生當中最可恥最非人對待的一晚

This vile thespian is in need of a come - down 這卑鄙無恥的戲子該下臺了

Vile and dissolute creatures , the lot of them 卑鄙下賤風流的東西,不止一個,而是一大群