
vigorous adj.1.精力旺盛的,強健的;精神飽滿的,活潑的。2....


The wandering look and changed utterance told what wreck had taken place in her once vigorous frame . 她那游移的眼神和變了的語調說明了原來健壯的身體受到了怎樣的摧殘。

It is not a vigorous autumn producer, but the herbage stands well into the winter without deteriorating . 雖然牧草在秋季不是生長得特別旺盛,可是它入冬挺立,毫不退化

Abruptly, while the four men stood there, gazing into each other's faces, a vigorous hand-clapping broke out . 這四人面面相覷的站在那里,猛聽得響起一陣有力的鼓掌聲。

The priest, his small darting at slote, paused in his vigorous attack on half a duck . 神父本來在窮兇極惡地對付半只鴨子,忽然住了手,一對小眼睛朝斯魯特瞟了一眼。

Eugenie, so vigorous and built on such a generous scale, had nothing of the prettiness that pleases the crowd . 高大壯健的歐也妮并沒有一般人喜歡的那種漂亮。

The few night-flitting thingsbats, moths, owlswere vigorous in the warm darkness . 少數夜游的動物蝙蝠,蛾子,貓頭鷹在溫暖的黑暗中非常活躍。

This subject had a somewhat vigorous but short-lived burst of activity in the seventeenth century . 這門學科在十七世紀曾經有過相當活躍然而短暫的突進。

The first generation of leaders of the soviet union were young and vigorous men when they took power . 蘇聯的第一代領導人在執掌政權時年輕而富有活力。

It was evident that kennedy was suffering; fever was getting the better of his vigorous constitution . 肯尼迪看樣子很難受,熱病在折磨著他強壯的身體。

Vigorous puffs, and a resolute stare into the grate declared he had no ear for this appeal . 他挺帶勁地噴煙,對著火柵呆望著,表明他根本不聽這個請求。

Vigorous young red elm trees thrust emerald-green crowns through a canopy of waist-high weeds . 生機盎然的小紅榆樹從齊腰高的雜草從中探出翠綠的花冠。

As great enmities are born of great friendship, and mortal maladies of vigorous health . 正如深刻的仇恨產生于深厚的友誼,致命之疾產生于強健之軀。

His family, she now knew, included an abrasively vigorous mother of eighty-seven . 她現在知道,他家里有一位八十七歲,精神矍鑠而惹人生氣的母親。

The style of the chinese women 's volleyball team in a competition is indomitable , bold and vigorous . 中國女排比賽時,作風頑強,大膽潑辣。

His head is set upon him in such a fashion as to give him a proud and vigorous air . 他的那顆腦袋長得是如此神氣,使他神情高貴而又朝氣蓬勃。

They combined vigorous brushwork with decorative arrangements of form and colour . 他們把充滿活力的畫風與形式和色彩的裝飾性效果結合起來。

At a high temperature the random molecular motion is more vigorous than at a low temperature . 分子的無規律運動在高溫時比在低溫時更激烈。

The latent uneasiness in darnay's mind was roused to vigorous life by this letter . 代爾那心里的潛在的不安由于這一封信而強烈地活躍起來。

Every good, true, vigorous feeling i had gathered came impulsively round him . 我的一切良好、真誠而又強烈的感情都緊緊圍繞著他涌現出來。