
vigil n.1.守夜;熬夜。2.〔常 pl. 〕節日[齋戒]前夜...

They were vehemently opposed to the crackdown on large dogs . “ people are raising dogs because of china ' s one - child policy , “ one woman said at the vigil 他們激烈反對關于這次大型犬類的捕殺活動。 “人們因為每家只能養一條狗的原因而組織起來。 ”

He did not go home immediately ; and under the tree where he kept his vigils he looked up at a window and murmured : “ that date was with you , ruth 他并沒有立即回家他在一向守望的樹下望著那扇窗戶前南地說道: “那是跟你的約會,露絲。

5 . 4 during the “ service of light “ on easter vigil , the faithful need not hold any candles 5 . 4在圣周六復活慶典夜間禮儀中光的典禮,教友暫不須手持蠟燭。


He was very patient ; he would even have been content not to move again , and he found a certain charm in fancying that his night vigil would last through eternity 他想到自己要長時間等下去,覺得倒也蠻有趣的,于是,他就充滿耐心,一動不動地等下去。

The air there was heavy with the somnolence which accompanies a long vigil , and the lamps cast a wavering light while their burned - out wicks glowed red within their globes 燈光朦朦朧朧,客廳里長時間熬夜的困倦氣氛越發變濃,燃燒的燈芯映紅了燈罩。

They were vehemently opposed to the crackdown on large dogs . “ people are raising dogs because of china ' s one - child policy , “ one woman said at the vigil 他們激烈反對關于這次大型犬類的捕殺活動。 “人們因為每家只能養一條狗的原因而組織起來。 ”

A distinctively australian contribution is the volunteer surflifesaving movement which keeps a constant vigil over swimmers in the surf 澳大利亞人對體育的一大貢獻就是他們進行的自愿沖浪救生運動,即對沖浪游泳者進行連續不斷的護衛警戒。

I learned that they kept their endless , silent vigil over the clans in hope of finding some means of escape from their lifeless torment 我明白他們非常希望能夠在這所謂的對我們氏族無止境的孤獨守護中找到一些擺脫這種無生氣的折磨的方法。

He did not go home immediately ; and under the tree where he kept his vigils he looked up at a window and murmured : “ that date was with you , ruth 他并沒有立即回家他在一向守望的樹下望著那扇窗戶前南地說道: “那是跟你的約會,露絲。

Tom vigil , 42 , of denver was determined not to let the heat stop him even though he was missing part of a lung from recent surgery 來自丹佛的42歲的湯姆?維吉爾在不久前的手術中切除了一部分肺,但仍然冒著高溫來參加紀念活動。

It is evident in services of prayer and candlelight vigils , and american flags , which are displayed in pride , and wave in defiance 這種力量從祈禱的人們提供的幫助中,人們的祈禱中和處處懸掛的美國國旗中都能看得到。

Jane , jane , said he , stopping before me , you are quite pale with your vigils : don t you curse me for disturbing your rest “簡,簡, ”他說著在我跟前站住了, “你守了一夜,臉色都發白了,你不罵我打擾了你的休息? ”

Were it not for his unceasing vigil over humanity , the ruinous powers of the warp would flood the mortal realm with madness and horror 若不是他對人類不息的守護,異次元的毀滅之力將使人間變為瘋狂與恐懼之地。

Visitations , wakes and vigils have begun for several victims of deadliest mall shooting on record in the us 人們聚集在內布拉斯加州奧馬哈城的西路街,為美國歷史上傷亡最慘重的商場槍擊案的遇難者祈禱和守夜。

He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured , but could not purify , himself . in these lengthened vigils , his brain 他就這樣不斷地自省,其實只是在自我折磨,絲毫得不到自我凈化。

Visitations , wakes and vigils have begun for several victims of the deadliest mall shooting on record in the us 對數名受害人的探望?守喪已經開始,這是在美國歷史上致命商場槍殺案中破紀錄的一次案件。

Decked out in a black elvis - type jumpsuit , vigil pulled an oxygen tank behind him with a breathing tube attached to his nose 他身穿黑色的“貓王式”連身衣,身上背了個氧氣罐,鼻子上插著一根呼吸管。

Decked out in a black elvis - type jumpsuit , vigil pulled an oxygen tank behind him with a breathing tube attached to his nose 他身穿黑色的“貓王式”連身衣,身上背了個氧氣罐,鼻子連著一根呼吸管。

But of late , since the night of his vigil , all her sympathies towards him had been both softened and invigorated 但自從他那天晚上夜游以來,最近她對他的全部同情都變得又溫柔又有力了。